
I have a similar story. Once you go through losing everything because of a bad hard drive,

All of of Sports has double entendres. I can't count the number of hocky players that talk about being "Two Way Players" or basketball players "Driving hard to the rim". Not to mention the obvious Tight Ends and slot receivers in Football.

It was Coors I believe, I don't really fall in with the light beers.

Oh, that's so awesome. Words to live by, right there.

Thank you for adding the most obvious and important part of this story that was completely omitted.

Some TED talks are interesting. I was ears when they got off the idea of the ground. But now when ever I hear the phrase "TED talks", my mind replaces it with the word pretentious.

I was given a Keurig machine for Christmas, and the coffee isn't bad. Not having to deal with coffee mess is better. The last thing I want to do is clean up a bunch of messy coffee implements while I have my morning coffee.

A word a warning, Street FighterxTekken is a rip off. You can buy it at GameStop for cheaper, and the game is absolutely broken. [kotaku.com] [shoryuken.com]

This seems like too much work to relax with a beer.

I agree with this sentiment wholeheartedly. The last couple of weeks I looked through the iPhone apps mistakenly thinking they were Android Apps. A little organization never hurt anyone, especially since it used to have the platform in the title.

It's a buzzword he picked up from some dumb suit at a convention, nothing more.

Yeah, but I think this is a case of all Cocker Spaniels are dogs, but not all dogs are Cocker Spaniels.

Not to mention he almost died from pneumonia on the set of Blade Runner because it was always wet and cold.

Can I get a proper definition of piracy please? Because what these people were doing sounds like bootlegging, not piracy.

Rolento's projectile has properties like no other in the game though. It actually counts as a physical attack, and it can also be hit out of the air with a normal if timed correctly.

That's exactly what I thought. Or something akin to trying to describe color to a blind man. OR how I might not perceive green in the same way you perceive it.

It didn't make sense until you said "France". Ahhh stereotyping.

Oh, it was more a comment of the self-centered language of the test than anything else. I'm not surprised you scored better than the American average, there's a lot of intelligent, engaging people here in the U.S., but they are the minority.

What I want to know is what nation? It seems fairly obvious thanks to your picture that my national average and your national average probably isn't the same...

I'd like to see the target render of this amazing piece of technology, but someone put a phone in front of it.