
Wow, That picture is from a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure knockoff book. I've been trying to find it for years, as they're actually better than actual Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books. Is there any chance you could enlighten me to the name of the series of books that this came from? Please? Pretty Please?

Usually if you buy the tickets at the Box Office at the venue there are no fees. I mean what are they going to charge you for? A Convenience fee? That's probably what happened here. But yeah, the NYT article is confusing.

If Giz had a comment of the week, I would nominate this one. As is, I can just promote it.

I am going back from a smart phone to a flip phone, does that make me creepy? Everything I used to do on my phone I do on my tablet now, so I probably should just pay for the data plan for the tablet and use my phone as intended. I'll also save about 50 bucks a month.

"I learned it from you, Dad! I learned it from you!"

Not to pick on KSI, but the dumbest, most foul-mouthed, I'll-find-any-exploit-and-abuse-it players I've ever played have had a Clan tag of KSI. That is, played them until they quit early because they weren't winning. My friends and I actually bet on how quickly a KSI member quits the games we're in.

For Real. I will wait in dread for the douche that loses a TDM game only to shout "oh yeah! 1vs1 me!! 1vs1 me loser!!$@%". When I don't respond, the same douche will tell his equally douchey friend "Let's go boost [in 1vs1]".

I hate it because it's impossible to be pin point accurate (bird abilities not withstanding) on every shot without holding my phone/tablet to my face to see exactly which pixel I'm lining the bird up to so I can repeat the shot.

Hah! You're kidding right? COD players will never suck due to aim, because COD has a ridiculous amount of aim-assist built in. The makers would never drop the aim-assist because it's the main thing that keeps people thinking they're good at the game.

The first two updates are free, after that it's $40,000. This is why you see a hurry-up-and-fixit-patch on day one and then the second patch that comes out takes 6 months to a year. Then that third patch you were hoping for never happens, because they don't want to pay the $40,000.

NO. NO. NO. NO. You can't backpedal on this one internet. I've listened to your cockamamie end-of-the-world rants in countless stories, comments and threads, and have been forced to sit through at least two memes. I just smiled and nodded each time I heard this bull pucky, just so I could shout "I told you so,

I came to this thread looking for Steins;Gate references and I will not go away disappointed. I will however dock you Gizmodo nerds for taking 20 comments to do it.

Yeah, it'd have to be a pretty amazing magnet to keep the nails from falling off after a strike or two...

I should have read the rest of the comments. Shitty Glass technology it is.

I think you've shaken a childhood foundation of mine. I remember being in the Boy Scouts around age 14 and hiking to a very old cabin that still had some intact glass panes. They were much thicker at the bottom than at the top, and the custodian of the land stated because glass is a liquid and the panes have run

Gah, I just wasted 2 hours of work time on your site. Good Job!

I've had it happen. I have yet to figure out what to do about it.

I knew I shouldn't have clicked Play. I've also been a strong opponent to Auto Tune, but OMG that girl needs it. Apparently a "Hot Problem" is tone deafness.

One more comment on this, The game has always tried to match similarly ranked parties against each other. I've played all CODs with about 20 people that all have KDs above 2.00 and most above 3.00 and we generally stomp EVERYONE. It's gotten to the point where it takes 15 minutes to find a game because it's trying

In Halo this works fine. In COD it would just cause nobody to get killstreaks. That is why high level players and low level players get put on the same team and in the same room. COD specifically looks for a big mix for every room.