
Where's the information that tells us what OS\Platform these apps are for?

Please excuse my language, but FUCK YOU BOTH. Quit worrying about music and having your staffers do this nonsense bullshit and start worrying about WHAT THE FUCK IS BROKEN IN THIS COUNTRY. The presidency isn't supposed to be fun, it's not supposed a party. Quit blowing smoke up the voter's asses.

LOL yes, you are so correct it is 12 monkeys. Mostly what stuck with me is "WTF is happening to Bruce Willis!? I can't hear jack!"

He looks like he just done smoking giant hubba rocks and is completely gacked.

Yeah, I've ridden it with the lights on too. It was interesting but it's better in the dark. I'm very freaked out by the giant sun thing that you zoom around.

I completely don't have a problem with this. MS probably has some sort of statistic regarding the "Play DVD" option in the autorun dialog never getting used that would lend more sensibility to this decision.

This is the approach I took with my GTX 580s. Looks like I might be able to upgrade cheap real soon.

HAHAHA, there are so many movies I watched in jail that stuck with me just because I saw it in jail. I saw 13 Monkeys for the first time in jail. It was nearly impossible to understand because I couldn't hear a damn thing.

Is this the oldest I own? Or the oldest I've taken with a camera?

I'm sending this to my girlfriend, she says she doesn't understand my emotions at all.

Oh I so called this in the last thread. It's the NBC is pulling a TripleCast all over again with a new-age streaming twist.

The people that this special gets to buy an xbox 360 probably aren't the same demographic as the people that will buy the Xbox 720 at launch.

Sex.com sold for $13 million dollars.

Ahh you youngins. I remember getting porn from BBSes [en.wikipedia.org] at 2400 baud. Usually only one person could be logged in at a time because it required a dedicated phone line and modem, so the first test of patience was waiting for the line to be free. Second the SysOp usually set a time limit for how long

I was stealth added to Google+. It was annoying. Someone I know shared their Google+ comments with my regular Google account, it created a Google+ account. I had to log into the account to delete it. That may not have been exactly how it went, but I was seeing Red at the time so I don't remember.

Jeez that's awesome. I was dreaming up wood modular furniture the other day that had the same use.

Yeah, let's be real here. Almost every piece of furniture thrown out, whether it's on big trash day or in the back of a building in the alley, gets picked up and repurposed somehow.

LOL I didn't really mean it like that. Mostly because you were referring to a single player game. It's the people playing MP COD that my comment was directed to. Even then, it's sort of not their fault because MS didn't give any instructions (at least when I bought my Kinect shortly after launch) that included

I'm there with you, everything except the zombies pack and Elite (screw subscriptions, I say). And I've gotten to 10th or 15th prestige in all of them. I will have to say that the direction they've taken them with the chump-friendly aim assist and the QSing in MW3 is disenchanting. Keep yer socialism out of my COD,

This thread is old in internet time, but have you run the Audio Calibration for the Kinect? Once you've calibrated it matches the sound the game is playing from the console to the sound that's in the room and effectively noise cancels it.