
I give your comment a score of 6, more points would have been awarded if you included a picture of David Caruso and/or sunglasses ;)

This is just like people that claim proudly that they don't read. When you tell me that you don't read I file you away into my mental "Dumber than Average" category and treat you as such. The people that stop me from reading just to ask what it is I'm reading and then proclaim that they don't read deserve a special

Jeez, yes. It's a cringe-worthy buzzword that my bosses and company throw around like it actually means something.

Hipsters don't worry about common sense, these are the people that take all the gears of an 18 speed bicycle to make it a fixed gear bike.

Only until society is trained to slap people that do the duck face on instinct.

I'm unsure how in depth you'd like to get with how to read books on your Xoom, but the slider functionality is also available in the FBReader app. The trick is you might have to convert your Kindle books with Calibre [calibre-ebook.com] to get them into FBReader, but I've found those two products to be much more

So, you're saying it has science coming off it's wings!

Thank You. It's to swim laps in!

Yes indeed, CU is definitely the University of Colorado, and not Colorado University. It's stupid that they call it CU and not UC, but that's the way it is. For the record they're also stupid for their stupid for their fish poop shenanigans. They have an awesome Aerospace Engineering program though.

Now playing

And I'll just leave this here, as I consider it the greatest thing that has ever happened to Guile's Theme.

Yes, their uncompromising push towards proprietary media formats is silly. But you have to remember that for all the formats it didn't work (BetaMax, MiniDisc, Memory Sticks) when they do get a format in a dominant position (3.5" floppies, BluRay Discs) they make money hand over fist that covers all of the ill will

Also, right at 5:00 there's another overlay that shows points to the three UFOs. That's sort of fishy

I have a first generation Xoom, and yes, viewing the screen from an angle causes it to look very washed out. That's my one of my two complaints. The other one is the absolutely dumb placement of the micro-USB and micro-HDMI port. Otherwise I absolutely love it.

Just an FYI, you can change how the tablet resizes the apps that were made for an Android phone in the notification area.

Yes, Yes you did. It's much better subject matter for this meme than everything else in the last six months.

You make Benji sad when you do so.

They will hang from tethers 5 feet away from the zip line so they can snap shove them into your chest as you fly by.

That was pretty cool.

They redeemed themselves by putting Footloose and Rambo on the same tape though.

These people have no friends.