
There's a reason they didn't start out with the Tekken engine one, it's because Tekken Tag III would have to compete with Tekken X SF. This release schedule lets you get your fill of TTIII and then have TxSF a year or two down the line.

@Me.: History is written by the winners...

"I'd like to point out that that test pilot survived."

Great, another installment of I-can't-tell-which-robot-is-which-when-they-clash-in-shaky-cam-action movie by Michael Bay.

@Srakin: You really just came in here and said "My friend could do that"? Wow. Just wow.

@Lonesnipa: You're right. It's not useful, that's why you don't see Desk winning every tournament (I'm not sure he even plays tourneys) and kicking the crap out of everyone. It's a specialized skillset.

@nesstee: Desk had made a video that had a slightly shorter combo in it that broke the world record, but he said he wanted to work on his execution and clean it up. So he didn't submit that video to the world record people and made this one to submit instead.

@Red_Koshinomi: LOL. You should use punctuation and and correct spelling. "You make no sense."

The one thing that strikes me about every video of ANYTHING I ever see out of Japan is how nice their wood floors are. Seriously, every floor in the country seems to have been buffed to a mirror-like shine.

@st90ar: Thanks for the correct link.

My sexytimes are meant to be public displays anyway. The only rule is you have to watch until the event's conclusion.

In the short list I see three that can potentially offer online play (NBA2K10, H.A.W.X. and UT3). What's the word on that with this thing? I mean, I can't see UT3 being worth anything for the "story mode" and more bot matches as a follow up.

@James Valentine: Screw the debate, that guy's application of Kinect is awesome!

She can kill me if I get to touch those bewbies.

@Setzer IIDX: I'm hopeful, but skeptical. A lesser version of finding and bringing a party into a game in W@W persisted for it's entire life. Now they just fix it in 8 days? I call shenanigans.

@Witzbold: The issue with the sounds was that it made Ninja a useless perk. More accurately it made it so everyone had Ninja as an invisible fourth perk. It's actually not that big of a deal, I was a diehard ninja user through the previous 3 COD games and I just shrugged it off and started using Hacker and Tactical

@Wozamil: There weren't issues if you were a single person trying to find a game. The issue was getting a party of 5 or 6 into a game. It was nearly impossible.

@Pat Crane: I won't disagree that a savvy person can make money in virtual worlds like this, Ansche Chung and Second Life being a prime example. But pinning such a large speculative investment on a virtual world in such a long-term fashion is a huge risk.

That's great and all, but my first reservation is Orb's software underpinnings. Constant memory leaks, clunky interface and poor transcoding quality were the chief reasons I quit using Orb in the first place.