
@Grandleon: Ok. You have your opinion, but I think your opinion is wrong. And that's my opinion.

@Grandleon: I didn't screw anything up, I planned and taped it. Kotaku, who usually is quite good about spoiler tags has ruined it.

@Pissed Off PC Gamer: I can avoid it by not going to sports sites and not watching SportsCenter. I never thought that a video game site (especially the way us nerds are about spoilers) would ruin it.

God Dammit. I ordered it and DVRed it because I got called into work. Thanks for spoiling it, Kotaku.

@Robusto68: Then the blister rust will hit and wipe out 98% of the population.

@Nadromac: For real. It's gawdawful.

God the new dashboard is ugly. Flat white, everywhere. It's like someone shoved a toothpick in my eye.

@Dynastius: I did not know that. Thanks for the explanation. Still, it feels a little wasteful. Maybe a better designed, compartmentalized vending machine then?

@Berkeley: I know mine did about 10 minutes ago.

I don't like to pull out internet cliches but this one is apt. Someone once said that fighting on the internet is like the Special Olympics, even if you win you're still retarded.

I'm in for three cases. I cold brew coffee so that I can take the extract with me in tiny containers. I could spend twenty dollars on straws instead.

@Euclidean: I don't give a damn about your religion, or lack thereof, but I also have faith in this being a great boon for humanity.

Great, let's take a food that has it's own nearly perfect wrapper, and put it in plastic. That's not wasteful at all Dole.

I was stoned while watching this video, and all I got out of it was that Uncle Sam's SOP for bears is to kill them with fire extinguishers.

It's because he looks like freakin' Caucasian Dr. No. He must have two wardrobes, one labeled "Aging hipster" the other labeled "Evil super genius obsessed with global domination".

@gthing: Exactly. Pay a penny now, pay a pound later for telling them.

@Edgy: Not just students. Now, with my phone I don't have to know anything. At all, my phone just tells me the answers.

@gizmodo101: For real, just get Edwin. Sooo useful.