
@somidscr21:I have 71592 tracks listed in Media Monkey which are mostly mp3s. 95% of them are 128kbps - 192kbps, with a few higher quality ones sprinkled throughout.

@Who the eff is GlassAdam?: That's just extreme table knowledge I guess. I see a lot of "english" being put on the table as well.

@NinjaScript: This picture shows the real reason I want it.

@NinjaScript: Have any of you tried the Hori VLX? I like how big it is, but I don't really dig Hori parts.

@Keyelite: I think this is the funniest thing I've read all day.

@Wolfenstein: This would be really cool, and would add a touch of insult to injury. It'll be the new Fatality/no scope/assassination!

@Bixmen: I can get behind this one.

An update of humility.

@CPD: These were mostly a bunch of Shuffles and old Nanos with one U2 edition 20GB that was obviously the pick of the litter. Oh, except it's screen was cracked. The only decent one that she's ever brought home (for my purposes) was a 60GB iPod video. I quickly snatched that one up.

@somidscr21: 465GB and counting. And yes, I do buy music, not steal it. I'd like to be able to listen to new music in the future.

My mother works at an airlines cleaning the planes. She finds iPods all the time and turns them into Lost and Found. If it sits there for 30 days it gets returned to the person that turned it in. The other day she came over to my house with eight or so of them in hand and asked if I wanted any of them. I told her

@warmonked: Bah, the middle score of games is a 8.8. The bottom of the score is 7.9 (Atari 2600 ET) and the top is a 10 (COD4). Or at least that's what the game reviewing industry has led me to believe.

@justinglen: When I Remote Desktop from my phone to my home PC I have tons of trouble with click and drag. It would be unacceptable to be actually sitting at my desktop and have the same problems.

@Benitocarmona: Just doo it. But at least get the Droid x, Droid 2 (in two weeks) or the DInc. I played with the Droid 2 and it's spectacular.

This guys is what sold me on HTML5

@Pook365: That's ok, I remember doing something with spheres in some Mac raytacing program we had in the labs and having it run for a week.

But when will their vaunted app jibe with what the rest of their billing system says?

I have enough trouble deleting the cruft out of my inbox as is, this will just relegate it to further down the list and add to all the clutter. I'm still intrigued though.

@im2fools: Ahh, it doesn't make soup but I agree with Mr. FigZ. If MKV is truly the next "standard" then the streaming boxes need to support all of it's features. Why would I settle for anything less?

Ok. So this is cool because the current D-Pad is clunky, but it's not used too much, especially the diagonals where it fails the most. But for fighting games? Meh. I guess it's cool to get more people interested and playing them, but anyone that loves fighting games and is worth their salt already owns Fight Stick