
Prince is like MTV, at one time Prince was hip and suddenly he became outdated.

@Alphathon: Hell yes! If I offer you a ride to town in my car, I don't constantly refer the car as my 1999 Audi A6.

@jcollierdavis: This was my number one pet peeve when I worked for State Government. They were all such wannabee politicians. I'm the office grunt, I know that. Just tell me what you want me to do and quit wasting my fucking time with all of the "making nice" talk.

First we load the platform...

This ensures that a degree from UCF is still worth something down the line.

@Josh Southern: Or you could just take all this time to make fake labels to study instead. What a joke.

In other news, 12 million people realized they're absolute suckers because they bought virtual T-Shirts for their avatars.

@Rakchief: I don't know about SOCOM 3 and beyond but I know Zipper's SOCOM 1 & 2 didn't have aim assist, and it looks like that continued into MAG. A decision I applaud them for. Let's keep adversarial MP skill based.

@AncientUnknown1: Not in MW2. MW2 also doesn't have an option to turn music off. Believe me, I turned both off in W@W.

@InsanePenguin: Ah the sentence regarding their pricing is stupid in the press release. It says "starting and 9.99 and less" I read it as "Starting at 9.99 and up". What ad starts with the highest price? Weird. I honestly thought that the books started at 9.99. You can walk into an airport bookstore and buy most

WTF. The article linked to doesn't have model numbers, this article doesn't have models. I'm sitting at work with 100 Dell Optiplex 650s and 40 270s(!) in front of me. Is it all of Dell's 2003-2005 linup? Is it certain models?

Visuals are nice, but unless they fix the overbearing aim assist and perks/gun balance I'm giving it a pass.

Call me when it:

@my name is jonas: I will admit that I really like Joints and Jams, when they were B-Boys first and sub-par rappers second.

@JakeMG: If you had asked me 5 years ago, I would have said I've had an assfull of them. Legally I can't tell you what my feelings are for them now. Plausible ependability and all that.

@Kaiser-Machead: No kidding. Let people have them, that's what the Darwin awards are for.

When they get closup the actual beam looks amazing. It reminds me of the laser sight on the fly-by-wire rocket launcher in the game "The World is Not Enough" on N64 provided if you had the expansion pack plugged in, except that was red.

@hurricanedj: Yep, exactly. There's a huge difference between an area code and bible scripture.

@Lockgar: I'd so promote this if I could.