
I hope it goes well for him and makes a ton of money. This man gave electronic joy to the world, but because he lived in the USSR, the country owned the rights to Tetris and not the man who created it. I'm not going to look up the numbers, but the game make 10s and 100s of millions of dollars and he didn't see a

@jonathan.simmons: I approved this comment solely for the "90% of the new(sic) on Gizmodo about the iphone 4 has been negative", it's full of lulz.

@I'm@work,shhhhh.: Ahh I should go get some more Monday morning coffee apparently.

"...hat leaves plenty of time for BP"

@superapplekid: It's so she doesn't have a cross hatch pattern on her ass. I speak from, err, experience.

I don't care how sophisticated you think you are, my cr.MP still beats your stupid electricity!!!

@ryoshi: Just to play the "standard" 3 days in-game was 6 hours, which is definitely not bad. Especially since there was many fun ways to kill time. I had no problem with the saves

@sweetelectro: I had already opened a new tab to begin doing so.

@tineras: Mega Maid went from suck to blow so she's not available to clean it out anymore.

@SKiTz: A very small amount, maybe. Actually the best example would be the one used above: Street Fighter IV. You'd probably notice playing that, and not necessarily Modern Warfare 2 or something.

@Lazerbyte: Or you can call MS and have them send you one for free.

@Cris_Spiegel: Wow, if I had a star on Kotaku I'd promote the crap out of this comment and link. Awesome, thanks.

@Seeräuber Jenny: I used to buy Ramen in bulk (like the $2 box of 12 *Snicker*) and would get sick of the flavor I picked by the end of it. I started forgoing the flavor packets and putting Tang on it instead. It was amazingly good.

@Synthfilker: I went to 7 NFL and ~ 40 baseball games last year, and didn't hear a single vuvuzela. They may be in toy stores, but they sure aren't in American Stadiums.

@Barion: There's probably two reasons why they allowed Walkmans. First Walkmans were a new innovation and the safety risk hadn't been recognized. Second, they hadn't had an accident involving one yet, and as soon as they had one I bet there were no more Walkmans on the factory floor.

@Roger DeAngelis: I worked Quality Control in a PBX factory for five years. It was basically the same thing except my "station" was a 100x100 foot area that stuff was piled into so I could meticulously check it, count it and enter the inventory count into the system. My day was never just 8 hours, I was there until

@dantheman12: Daemon tools includes some crappy toolbar that they really try hard to trick you into installing. MagicDisc has the same functionality without violating the user's trust.