I had fun with the combat as far as liking the guns, but I rarely used any vigors other than Possession and Undertow to take guys off gunships.
I had fun with the combat as far as liking the guns, but I rarely used any vigors other than Possession and Undertow to take guys off gunships.
I always thought the no-feet in this game was cute... I guess people had a problem with it though :/
I always thought older games managed to capture a scarier atmosphere than newer games. It always felt like a lot of the fear was up to your imagination instead of who can make the scariest hi-def 3D model. We got to imagine what these things would look like in real life, and that just made it all the more scary.
I'm really sick of all these "homage" games coming out on the appstore and play store. It's just a disgusting way of cashing in on something that's already made.
My OC'd 660 TI managed to stay a solid 60 FPS my whole playthrough on max settings. 1920 x 1080 res.
Even though I know that Goku isn't a really realistic character... he's still probably my favorite anime character of all time and I always held him as a role model throughout my childhood.
Any current anime that someone can recommend to me?
I could agree, but at the same time something about Game Grumps is just really comforting and nice to watch/listen to.
I can use my PS3 controller on my PC to play games... I like to play third person shooters with a controller, but first person shooters and games like Diablo feel much better to me with a mouse and keyboard.
It's like Muramasa except with tweeny animation and furry characters.
It would be nice to see, although I still prefer highly stylized games(they tend to hold up better) like Wind Waker.
I played the shit out of this game and I let the opening sequence play every time I booted it up.
Well it could be because they are going for a more expressive animated look.
Where is Deponia?
I don't know what it is about the Dragon Ball franchise that I love so much. I know how silly and over the top it is a lot of the time, yet I find myself sucked in by this world created by Akira Toriyama. For some reason I can't explain, I think Dragon Ball has the most interesting lore of any franchise I've ever got…
You can play any LoZ game on an emulator, and if you're playing one of the GC or Wii titles, you can upscale them in glorious HD.
I find a lot of these HD upscaled "remakes" are pretty useless considering I could just pop a PS2 disc into my PC and play it at an even higher resolution than this at any time...
Good thing I don't play with English voices. In my opinion Naruto is one of the worst English dubs out there. Not really so much in the acting department of it, but the casting. None of the voices fit the characters or are just really annoying.
I love playing games with females as the main character. Whenever I play an MMO or something I play as a girl. Beyond Good and Evil is one of my favorite games, and Madison Paige's roles in Heavy Rain are my favorite parts of the game. If you want to watch a video summing up a couple of the problems I have with this…
Looks kind of cool... my only problem is it's kind of lame that they don't have voice acting.