
The comments and ratings are disabled because she is AFRAID of criticism. I can maybe understand the comments, but disabling the ratings too just verified she can't take criticism.

These videos just piss me off. I'm sorry if I sound like an asshole here but, I can't stand this crap. When I'm playing the Legend of Zelda I'm not thinking "oh fuck man oh shit Zelda is a weak ass bitch that I be savin'" no. Zelda is a pretty strong character if you think about it, I mean even in the old cartoon she

Connection issues aside, is this game any good? I loved Sim City 4, so I was wondering if I'd like this.

Umm or you could just use the defaults given to you. It's not like you're forced to tweak, that's just some folks cup of tea.

Jason, you're probably one of the few Kotaku journalists that I agree with pretty consistently.

I agree. I remember when I first got the first EO game and I saw the mapping feature. I groaned at the sheer thought of it, but now it's one of my favorite gameplay elements.

Medium to low settings on PC is equivalent to consoles. Just get a budget card and have medium settings in your games.

I found myself frequently starting new games in HL2 just to play through City 17 again. I love it.

This game was the one game that actually got me to cry. I beat this game in a single 15 hour session. I cannot wait for this sequel.

I visit it out of habit. I search Google for Google and then I go to the homepage and search for what I want. I don't know why.

I really like your comment it's... so spiffy!

Well, it's a lot more than just JRPGs using that type of story.

You can build a 750 dollar PC that's better or equal to a PS4... and plus there are tons of great games on PC.

You should have put in Hong Kong in Sleeping Dogs. Beautiful game.

+1 I couldn't agree with you more.

Will I be able to scan people's power levels?

This is ridiculous. You can't honestly believe that this is sexism. If there was a big female developer/CEO for a company that had a partnership with Sony, I'm sure they would let her present.

I think you are extremely misinformed. Gaming PCs will be able to do this and more for the next generation, although it's nice to see the consoles stepping up their game.

And Microsoft stole the Kinect idea from a company in Virginia.

All I thought of when reading this was Tommy Wiseau...