These comments are killing me, this game is probably one of the most diverse looking games of all time in terms of character types AND PEOPLE STILL AREN'T FUCKING HAPPY. Blizzard, give up on these idiots and keep making your awesome looking game.
These comments are killing me, this game is probably one of the most diverse looking games of all time in terms of character types AND PEOPLE STILL AREN'T FUCKING HAPPY. Blizzard, give up on these idiots and keep making your awesome looking game.
I have played the first one. I got in a humble bundle. The gameplay consists of switching cameras and waiting and a 'management' system regarding the energy.
No Android 18? This saddens me.
I hope it's over... 3 games in less than 8 months is ridiculous. The games aren't even fun, just cheap jump scares with very little gameplay.
You know what they say, MDE never dies...
Damn, why do we insist on censoring everything in America? Pretty soon everything will be censored with the image of a Care Bear.
Not a trailer, just a video for the theme song.
If only the dialogue wasn't so cringey, I really want to love this game.
This kind of stuff is pretty tough if not impossible to get traced without tons of resources and time. I've been sent dragon dildos and pizza before and all I've done is send it back and explain to them that fuckers on the internet think they are real funny.
Guilt by association is a huge problem plaguing the internet.
You could re-purpose most of these things on the list with any video game character... video games are about making your own story :P
Yes it's bad that she receives death threats. I've had my life threatened by people on the internet because of someone I chose to date, so I'm not coming from some ignorant not knowing what it's like position.
I'm gonna get so much shit for this but this is nothing new. Every single internet celebrity gets death threats. Recently AlphaOmegaSin made a video about playing Skylanders with his kid and some idiot harassed him on facebook saying he wanted to slit his throat in front of his son. It's not right, but you can't just…
I think you guys should do an exclusive 'best games' list for the consoles. It would be a heck-of-a-lot more helpful.
Goat Sim is on here but not Anomaly 2?
Goat Sim is on here but not Anomaly 2?
I thought it looked pretty cool. Not sure what you're seeing.
I think if they didn't the hair would look more unnatural than it already does.
Obviously after a price drop and around the holidays this would happen. Parents want the cheapest option to buy their kids.
It'll look beautiful! But it will play like shit...