I have an 18-day-old baby. I have loved every minute of it (even the literally and figuratively shitty parts). I read this article with great interest.
I have an 18-day-old baby. I have loved every minute of it (even the literally and figuratively shitty parts). I read this article with great interest.
Respectfully, if the child is too young to understand, it becomes key for parents to observe trends and if the child is verbal, try to believe what they are saying. No one is suggesting leaving a child alone with this. In some cases young children who are sensory affected can’t actually articulate what is happening,…
Pedophiles and child molesters are almost always portrayed as the “creepy older man” type, and this is a reminder that these urges don’t manifest when people turn into adults. This guy is really attractive, had fame, success, and he’s got a hard drive of prepubescent pornography? Fucking terrifying.
Probably time to give birth after 2 years.
Okcupid taught me that too many men haven’t bothered to read a book since high school. They all seem to pick the Great Gatsby as their favorite book.
So...*you’re* not the survivor, she is, right? This is like reading a story of “your” pregnancy that involves you smoking and pacing in the waiting room while the baby is being born.
Sure. You can do whatever the hell you want with art on your end. I certainly have relationships with lots of works that are very different from what their creators intended. What you don’t get to do is browbeat artists into making the kind of art you want. You get to decide if you want it when it’s done. You don’t…
The best explanation I heard was this. So many of these guys are the basement dwelling stereotypes you read about, the ones who can’t get a date. They’ve convinced themselves that it’s because they like comics and SF and fantasy and nerdy things that girls don’t get. Now, with more and more women becoming fans and…
I really like the show, but its fandom is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. A bunch of people seem to think that the show endorses Rick’s behavior and philosophy and...no, it realllllly doesn’t.
Old person rant: when my brothers and I were children (up the age of 12 or so), we didn’t go to any effing weddings except when I was a flower girl and I certainly didn’t stay the entire reception. In my mind, allowing children at weddings is an ultimate act of mercy and angelic kindness on the part of the bride and…
Nah, you don’t actually have to invite her, and the proof is right there in her ‘We’ll see about that’ response. You invite people to your wedding who are there to support you, on your day, as you embark upon the wonderful experience of having your relationship legally and religiously authorized and recognized. Her…
I agree on both counts—It’s fucked up.
My wife has a younger sister that was diagnosed with ODD and ADHD. She was a serious nightmare kid for a few years there. My wife told me “We’re going to have to pay someone to marry her because no one will ever want to!” After she turned 12 or 13 we could all see the shift in her personality. Her therapist kept…
I’m not suggesting you stay home- I’m suggesting you walk right on by the tantrum cause it’s really got nothing to do with you, and there is no right-to-not-be-annoyed- in-public spaces.
Ehh, I don’t have kids but I kinda feel the opposite. If you/a person can’t handle screaming kids, then don’t go to the mall. Stick to “grown-up” environments or your own house. Outside people will be living their full human lives, which includes loud arguing and kids acting out. It’s a little hypocritical to expect…
"Using a paper towel to open the door after you've washed your hands sounds like a good idea, but if you just crumple the towel afterwards (and especially if you then stick it in your pocket), the germs will still get on your hands."
Same here. I'm on a once or twice a week schedule. Showering is such a pain in the ass and I just can't put that effort in every single day. Even after I realize it's been 5 days since my last shower I still whine while I drag myself to the bathroom. (I don't know if it's gross or liberating. I'm gonna go with…
God, I hate showering. Especially in the winter. 2-3 times a week is all I need, and I have to really psych myself up for them. I am all about dry shampoo on my hair, and only really get it wet once a week, when I just wash with conditioner. All of thisbresults in people commenting on how soft my skin is and how…
In the past few months I've only used gentle soap (Cetaphil) on my face, chest, pits, and crotchial region (if it needs it). I have not died.