
Yes, corporations seem to have all of the rights of people (free speech, freedom of religion despite...not actually being sentient, etc.), but they don’t seem to have any of the personal responsibilities or liabilities of being a person.

Refutation of point 1:


Every time Marina appears, I lean in a little closer to my TV. Kacey Rohl is one of the greats, and that role is a particular pleasure.”

Whipping his dick out was bad enough, but he also actively tried to ruin the careers of those women and anyone who tried to report on it as well. People don’t talk about that enough. Like so much fucking hand-wringing over a guy’s “ruined reputation” and literally nothing about the reps of all the women he crushed

This isn’t a male-centric thing. It applies to both sexes. Most women want to look like women and most men want to look like men. That’s why, when given a choice, the vast majority of players will choose to play as a character that matches their own sex.

FTFY: A majority of male players prefer form fitting-armor that better conveys a female character’s sex.

Overall this is a great cosplay - and I hate to nitpick here - but its a shame to see the cliched "boobplate" armor in this cosplay. I've been playing as Kassandra and I've been pleasantly surprised to see non "boobplate" torso pieces for Kassandra in the game.

The dubbing’s good - amazingly so, honestly! - but the original voices and subtitles is still better.

This could very well be the worst take on anything EVER

That linked-to Soderbergh interview is pretty great.

Just because you’re able to make a list of things that he didn’t do to her doesn’t mean that the thing he did do wasn’t toxic, unprofessional, and unacceptable. If someone treats you horribly at work, do you just think “well what a gentleman, he he didn’t even rape me once!”

Next time you go to your job, pick on of your coworkers and just go off on them. It might effect your performance review.

Why are you leaving out how Cross completely tried some false equivalency bullshit to further delegitimize Walter? It’s gross as hell.

When Tambor says, “absolutely,” I just want to slap the word out of his mouth. He should be saying, “thank you” but instead he just agrees that she has to let it go.

Thank goodness you weren’t there and yet are still able to tell her how she should feel about it!

I think this whole thing put a light on how so many men-no matter how hard they want to- just do not understand how things like this affect women on such a deep level, and starting from as young as we can remember. There truly needs to be more education. When I was in college, there was a big story on the news about a

Except that they tell you that pasteurized cheese is fine, and indeed a good thing to eat for your calcium and protein intake. And then you get something like this (a listeriosis outbreak in purportedly pasteurized cheese) that shows you it isn’t. The point is, as a pregnant woman you can’t zero out risk. You just

I watched this movie again last night, and really tried to watch it with all of the major criticisms in the back of my head. Honestly i like this movie more each time i’ve seen it.