
A corporate CEO of a Fortune 500 company has psychopathic tendencies? Say it isn't so.

Also interesting that one of Ferguson's six City Councillors, Kim Tihen, was also one of four officers involved in the notorious arrest of Henry Davis in 2009; you know, the one that kinda didn't/did bleed on their uniforms when they were beating him.

She's drunk.

WHAT is that hideous frock she is wearing? It looks like it's make out of felt.

Agreed. They have no expectation of privacy.

No, the random girl has no more expectation of privacy than a girl in a public place in a costume, unless she was unaware that cameras were present. Which would be quite stupid since cameras are everywhere, especially at small Halloween parties. Thus, privacy is dead. It is an observation. You could argue that

It's not an argument. It's an observation. Kind of an obvious one, but whatever.

Right. Privacy is dead. Gone are the days where she could do this and not have her photo taken digitally and sprayed all over the internet for anyone to use however they like. Even now, no one expects an innocuous photo they are in to blow up online. Thus, privacy is dead.


1. Privacy is dead. Again.

This is meant to make something ugly, beautiful, thus making it more attractive. Period. It is not meant to make rape and murder less acceptable, but more acceptable. It is a gorgeous advert for a snuff film. It is dreadful, and I hope the designers of any of those garments speak out, and are outraged too.

I truly hope this backfires in this idiot's face and she gets the full-blast wrath of the interwebs, even as she's seeing $$ and playing the victim. What a performance. And fuck her for not only endangering her children's welfare at the concert, but also exposing and using them to star in her own teeny tiny reality

Another opportunistic, litigious mommy saving the world one tittie at a time. What a disgrace. I feel so badly for those cops. All cops, in fact, who see shit parents harming their children and try to stop it, even knowing full well they're setting themselves up for grief. Seriously, fuck her. You don't need a

Fucked up. Society should utterly reject domestic violence. Just threatening to harm your family should garner such outrage and disgust that it meets with the harshest of judgements and punishment. It is taken so seriously that just the whiff of it and the hammer comes down. It should be completely unacceptable,

Wouldn't it be great to live in a society where human garbage like this would never have had the opportunity to cause such destruction and violence, because he'd already be in jail for uttering threats to his family? Years ago? I know you can't jail people for something they might do, but in the case of domestic

Nope. The U.S. Constitution rules public photography. Don't let anyone tell you different. photographyisnotacrime.com

I don't think this one is going away. But I'll be interested to hear what his excuse is for trying to kill her.

At least her face moves. I couldn't get a read on River's cement. No wonder everyone was confused.

I remember being besotted with LambChop as a child. All the subversive political and sexual humour was lost on me, but I get it now even though it is way out of most people's league. You have to study it.

Why, thank you M. FluffnStuff...