I like the cut of your jib. Learned consequences. It's a real thing.
I like the cut of your jib. Learned consequences. It's a real thing.
Remember why even from an early age girls and now women find you repulsive?
you win the internet today.
Good. Hope you never have to endure him again. Wouldn't it be nice though, if everyone at your table had called him out on it, explicitly? Like, hey, douchebag, you can't sit here with us. Leave. Now.
I've had experiences with men like that. I get up and walk away now. No explanations, no excuses, just, "I have to go, have a great night." to whoever is left. This is what they deserve. I will not tolerate it. And it feels great.
Ya think?
Are you certain that was sugar?
If there's anything worse than douchebag dads like you, it's douchebag dads who exploit their children in a desperate attempt to make a point. Too bad this poor little guy has no choice about his privacy and dignity. No, his loving father has no problem exposing him publicly.
I know. Hopefully he can overcome the stigma and challenges of being the son of such a hopeless wad of smugness and delusion.
Silly troll. He ejaculated a few years ago and now he's finally found meaning in life. I love kids, especially babies, but unfortunately they sometimes show up with douchebags like this guy.
I've always liked this take on it:
However it works, my question is, did she have to agree to it? Was it under duress? The optics are so terrible, I wonder what the hell is going on behind the scenes.
Agreed. Also, this is a counter-suit to the one the families have launched against her, so one can only assume her insurance company has something to do with this. The way this article is presented is click bait plain and simple. While the counter-suit is cruel, it's more indicative of how the system is set up…
I would add one more to this list, although it could get you in trouble: try to capture video of the little piece of shit(s) tormenting you and post it online. The wiretapping charges will be worth it.
I think the main problem isn't teachers and administrators not wanting to deal with the bullying little assholes - it's not wanting to deal with the bullying little asshole's parents.
That particularly rankled with me as well. How nice for Mr Allen that in the midst of destroying the happiness and peace of his family he was able to find such bliss and happiness with his new girlfriend. He's a lucky, lucky man.
That must be so delightful for you. Can you wing it back at them in some form of "caring" comments about their appearances?
I wish the entire population of womankind would rise up and collectively tell people that our body size is none of their business and to never, ever, comment on it again.
This exactly. While people get bogged down in the 'was he Soon Yi's official step-father', I go straight to the part of the story that I can relate to most: the fact that he cruelly, deliberately and consciously made the decision to betray his family, his children, Mia's children, in unspeakable acts of selfishness.…
every frame of those videos is going to be examined by the public, and by the courts. my favorite part is when they ride on the sidewalk with the pedestrians!