
I just want fall, not winter. The highs have been in the 80s for two weeks. We’re getting a “cold front” tomorrow where temperatures will dip into...the 70s. I want sweater and boot weather, dammit!!

Also she owns two stores called the Pink Pistol and has been known to use a pink guitar on stage. I really don’t think it was an intentional dig at Gwen.

I have been told that since I was a teenager. Only looking back on it in my adulthood did I realize it was a really gross thing to say to someone going through puberty.

When did progressive become a bad thing? So she’s anti progressive politics? She wants political regression? I’m so confused.

I had this same problem with Dollar Shave Club, but I think they eventually added an unsubscribe button on the website.

That sounds like mildly healthy yum...

Last pic looks amazing. Do you get parm in your CSA? That’s awesome!

Tonight I had sushi from my small yown’s weird, vaguely Chinese/Japanese fusion place. The Asian college students eat there, so I assumed it was safe.

That looks amazing. What is the recipe?

Is this supposed to be some bizarre comedy? What is this even?

I read this in the voice of every creepy Alabama guy I know. It was written very precisely. Kudos to you.

Did you stay on the ride? Cause I would have to nope myself right out of there.

That’s horrible. What kind of person watches a member of their community suffer and die and then immediately expect to receive any kind of money? I know when my dad died, a lot of his insurance money went towards the funeral (which costs an outrageous amount of money, btw) and towards his hospital bills. My mom saw

My fiancee is 36 and decided to change careers within the past two years. He’s nearly finished with graduate school and has a job offer for a position that pays 3 times what I’m currently making as the sole breadwinner. I’m thrilled he changed careers, despite the temporary money troubles we’ve had.

I lovebird cage veils and your’s looks great.

I’m wearing my mother’s veil. She got married in the 70s, so for some reason, it was glued to a satin headband that she wore high on her head like a schoolgirl. I’m having it sewn on to a comb to wear on the back of my head.

That’s lovely. Making me reconsider my veil choice now...

Someone in the medical community who may be in the know: Do hospitals get reimbursement/payment for donated bodies or tissue that isn’t fetal? I would imagine anything like that would need reimbursement. I don’t understand why this is such a huge deal in these crazies’ minds just because it’s fetal tissue vs. maybe a

Take it back! Peanut Butter M&M’s are a godsend!

I do not understand licorice or the people who like it. Same with root beer. Worst things I’ve ever put in my mouth.