
The audacity to yell at strangers it baffling to me. She has no idea if these people are locals, tourists, multi-lingual (which it turns out they are), and none of that should matter. I work at a university in a small town in Alabama. We have a lot of Chinese students because our chancellor is very interested in

When we were at the one in Memphis - which has a hotel in it with “tree houses” you can stay in overlooking the store - there was a quinceanera going on with the girls in poofy dresses and the guys in tuxes just walking around the store. It was very surreal.

I’ve legit had a panic attack in IKEA because there was no quick exit and too many people. One of only two stores that induce panic attacks in me. That a Bass Pro Shop in Memphis. At least there I could find an empty boat to sit in and get my breathing under control.

Two hours is not enough time for Monopoly.

Granny was awesome.

I’ve been watching on their website but it has a lot of commercials.

My finace just told me a few days ago that he will inherit exactly one share of Berkshire Hathaway and then told me the current value and I nearly fainted. Of course, inheritance relies on his grandmother passing, which seems unlikely any time soon. Lady is 93 and is in better health than I am at 29. We’re betting

To be fair, I’ve always been very introverted and I went through a phase of dancing and body shots with strangers, but the next day was generally spent curled up in bed with a book or Netflix. You can be introverted and still be social. It’s just that socializing is draining for introverts and is energizing to

My fiance has a china cabinet full of wine glasses, but only one set of champagne glasses. From his first wedding. I’m willing to barter a trade with you.

I also have a roasting pan that I have never and probably will never used. We’ve moved three times. It keeps moving with us.

Maybe you should just use it as a pinch pot? I have no idea what the intended use is for that size pot though...

Mine does the same! He’s a terrier. I’ve wondered if it’s a terrier trait.

My future father in law is that way. Over 60, still heading up a department at a well respected university. Gives no shits about public opinion. He and his son are cut from the same cloth. When they are right, they will tell you all about it and how wrong you are in your wrongness.

That seems ridiculously low. I thought binge drinking was a certain amount of alcohol within a short period of time, measured by hours not days.

As an Alabama resident, I’m so happy this story didn’t take place in the South.

Sundried tomato Alfredo with lobster (or really any seafood) ravioli is the best. With a good crusty bread to dip in the sauce. Omnomnom...I still have two and a half hours till lunch, dammit!

That was an intense song even before my dad died. Now I can’t listen to it without dissolving in tears. Reminds me so much of my own life, with my dad building my mom our family home and me moving far away in my adulthood.

LUCKY! I’m in Troy, but with plans to move back. No more small towns for me and the bonus of having a Trader Joe’s at the Summit.

I listened to Platinum again yesterday, and there seemed to be lots of hints on that album about trouble in paradise. I always felt that way about the songs Priscilla and All That’s Left.

Trader Joe’s is finally opening in Alabama in October, 130 miles away from me. I will still make trips just for that. And to see my fiance’s family. But mostly for TJ’s.