
I don't know why that sawing in half scene stuck with me so strongly, but I had nightmares for days after that episode. Sitting at work, I would remember the guts falling out and feel like I needed to throw up. I must have a much weaker constitution than I originally thought.

I'm super impressed your grandmother does Snapchat. Mine barely manages Facebook, and that's usually only with the help of one of her daughters.

My boyfriend had the Tennis Channel on when I was home for lunch a few days ago. They did a little segment about fashion, it had some catchy name but I can't remember what it was called. I remember having a raging fit over how the commentator was making note of how women should dress to accentuate their body type

That is horrifying, to believe that there are people who would have no problem returning to that type of reality. Does that scenario not put the woman in danger of infection or anything?

I wonder when I hear of men and women like this Senator, if these people truly believe that stories like your families story aren't true, or are blown out of proportion. Would this man tell you and your mother that you were blessed to know your brother for the time he was here? I live in the South, so I hear that a

I fucking hate the term "God's will." My dad died two years ago when I was 27. He never saw me get married. Would never get a chance to be the amazing grandparent that I knew he would be. I openly sneered at people who said his death was God's will. My dad was a 53 year old man who smoked himself into an early grave.

I'd vote for you.

I could have kissed Stewart for that Harvard comment. I went to public school in Arkansas when Huckbee was governor. I have nothing against public schools. But using the name of an Ivy League school as an insult just to rile up your "base" is idiotic.

So why is this guy a conservative hero, again? Oh right...guns...that's why.

The girls I knew in college would pass down clothes or exchange clothes for each recruitment period. Also, many sorority girls I knew would buy clothes specifically because they had the sorority colors in them, 1.) to rep their sorority and 2.) knowing they'd need them for events like these. I work in university

Vivien Leigh could perform an entire move with just facial expressions. Dakota can't get past one facial expression - bland.

She was adorable. I miss that show. I feel like that's more her type of character/story than 50 Shades of Crap.

That's how she always looks though. Every show I've seen her on (like, all two of them), she's had that same "normal girl" appearance. I feel bad saying she needs to learn how to use mascara and eyeliner...but she really does need to learn that! I don't mind the hair so much though.

I live here. All these negative Alabama stories are making me sad. I need my boyfriend to finish grad school soon so we can move. 18 more months...

His daughter, who was also the daughter of another Doctor, and now they have a daughter who is the daughter of a a Doctor and it's like Doctor-ception.

I do this too but I never could remember where I got it from. Now you've informed me. Thanks for that. You rock.

My friends and I use it to send pictures/videos of awesome stuff we're doing that the others should be jealous of. Or food. Or alcohol. I've never exchanged naked shots with anyone. But I'm 30 and probably not the target market for Snapchat. I'm just assuming my friends and I are using it wrong.

Did anyone here ever really get into A to Z? I tried so hard since Rashida Jones was attached to it, but just seems...I don't know...I don't even have a word for how I felt about it.

I dated a guy who wouldn't eat crab or lobster because they were underwater insects. You are not alone . You're still wrong, but you are not alone.

I forgot about Sporcle...now I know how I'm going to waste time at work this week.