
No joke, my class got out of learning the state capitals because one of the parents loudly complained that it was too hard and unnecessary. I don't know how that person got the teacher to bend to his/her will, but it happened.

Great celebrity couple name or greatest celebrity couple name?

Hello fellow Alabamian! I live in Troy and outright refuse to go shopping in Montgomery. I'd rather drive to Dothan, which has just about all of the same stores and is the same distance. If I really plan well, I go visit my BF's family in Birmingham and shop there instead.

I ate at a restaurant for Thanksgiving once. In grad school, I was driving back from my parent's on Thanksgiving to work my retail job on Black Friday. I stopped at a Cracker Barrel (thanks Tennessee) and left the waitress a 100% tip, I felt so bad that she had to work and probably had shitty customers all day. I

I am not defending Duck Dynasty or the Robertson's...but isn't this kind of true? If you do what these types of Christians preach - never have any sexual contact with anyone but your spouse (after marriage) - if neither husband or wife have "relations" with any other person, aren't the chances of bringing STDs into

I don't remember ever seeing her photographed with her mouth open like this before. It's not good. Bad choice by the photographer/editor/whoever. She's gorgeous and smart. This conveys (to me) vapid and unintelligent. Do not like.

But shouldn't she be able to sue? She signed a contract to get Sperm X, with a specific description. She either ended up with Sperm Y or the description was wrong to begin with. Wouldn't that be breach of contract? As a separate example not related to race: If you selected sperm from someone with no history of a

Once at the beach, my more sober friends filmed the drunker women of our group dancing at a bar. It was not pretty. When they forwarded me the film later, I refused to watch it or acknowledge that it exists. I was, of course, in the drunk group.

I was going to post something, but it would have been an exact repeat of your post. My parents had mine pierced at 16 months. Incredibly young, and when they told me about that, I wasn't really pleased but when I tried to get a second hole in my teen years, it got infected and grew up after I stopped putting earrings

Peach flavored things have the same issue to me. They taste nothing like peach.

I'll add my vote for banana Runts. Tasty and fun to crunch on.

Two points:

Reading this, I really thought I imagines that scene with Cersei, so I'm glad you pointed that out. And the woman she was with (the name escapes me) was pretty infatuated with Cersei. While Cersei is heartless and it meant nothing to her, I got the feeling from the book that it meant something to the other lady.

My family's one year anniversary of losing my dad was earlier this year. I wasn't as traumatic as I expected, probably because I miss him all the time. It's worst when I think about the milestones I'm going to miss with him. Thoughts with you and your family. Losing a parent sucks.

When I lived in Arkansas, there was (and still is, as far as I know) a strip club along Interstate 40 right beside a little Baptist church. The funny thing to me was that the strip club was there way before anything else. The church chose to build next to the strip club! In an area where there was very little else

Oh hai!! I recently moved to LA. I have customers in Niceville and originally assumed it was pronounced Neece-ville. There are some weirdly named/pronounced places around here...

So are they cramming all three books into one movie or will it be a trilogy, a la Twilight?

I overuse allegedly. I blame my old boss. He used it as a mild insult when one of our less reliable coworkers said they would do something. "Don said he would call that person...allegedly."

Ugh...I dislike everything about that.

I remember hearing about Meryl early on. And I follow Anna Kendrick on Twitter, so I saw a lot of her posting stuff. Watching that trailer, Depp is really the only one I didn't know was in it. I must have been living in a cave when his casting was announced.