
Goodness, you're feeling hyperbolic today, aren't you? No one is saying that "each word... is a cloth covered in chloroform." But you yourself JUST said that her even doing so little as asking him how he, a near-complete stranger, found the means to contact her, was essentially "encouragement." You're the one

Oh perfect! Thank you!

Thanks Lonely! And damn...

The rebuttal has already been flagged for removal. Does anyone have a screencap?

No one is "losing sleep" over it, not even the people writing about it. But it's still a valid thing to discuss, largely because it does lead to these underlying problems in the way that women are taught to relate to other women. Simply dismissing it as something that is not "an article of substance" or a "real

Do you seriously not see that the issues are connected? The way that women are represented/represent themselves in culture leads to the way women are considered in society, which leads to the way that women are treated/treat each other in business. It's called a patriarchal culture for a reason. There are a lot of

Are you only paying attention to every other word I say?

What are you even talking about at this point? There are plenty of successful women that Jezebel celebrates. Wendy Davis, Jessica Valenti, Emma Thompson, and Hillary Clinton are some that I can think of on the top of my head. These women are all "successful on [their] own merits. What "successful on her own merits"

Of course I don't think that. Don't be ridiculous. But I also don't think that "LITERALLY EVERY white woman (and some nonwhite women!) who becomes famous" is criticized on Jezebel. Your explanation makes absolutely no sense, because it doesn't reflect the reality of the site. And cultural representation is not a

I dunno, I think that someone who calls me a "shrieking catlady" might be my bigger enemy. And again, this time with the whole class, being a feminist does not mean that you should never criticize another women when she is displaying ignorant, sexist, or racist behavior.

If all Allen had said was "women can be awful to each other, too," that would have been a legitimate point. Women are not superior to men, we also have thoughts and emotions that are not always good. Women can be awful to each other, just as men can be awful to women. But Allen is trying to say that somehow the way

I think that this guy maybe knows 5 people. Because nobody he knows discriminates against anyone, ever.

I have to go with Catwoman (because duh, Catwoman) despite my belief that the coat looks similar to what grows on damp porches in the summer. However, I would wear the HELL out of the rest of the Blond's collection.

I think it maybe means that people who buy in bulk and then resell are making it impossible for individual customers to buy the individual products. If the store runs out and has to restock because of bulk buyers, then the individual customers can't buy goods directly from the store and have to decide to either go

Scary Spice. I believe my love of leopard print gave me away.

I admit that 20ssf could have been referring to selective elements of Moses' statement, but without a clarifying addition ("And that's why many of us believe Moses regarding his childhood abuse" for example) I can only guess at his/her intentions and take it as a blanket statement, meaning that some believe Moses

Thank goodness! Hey, fellow feminists, sexism is over! Because one woman has succeeded at making more than her male predecessor, sexism in the business sector has been cured. Half of the Fortune 500 CEOs will automatically be replaced with women, the gender disparity between workers and management will be balanced,

I think it's important to remember that even if Mia was a horrific mother, that doesn't mean that Dylan is a liar. You can dislike Mia without questioning the experiences of an abuse victim.

Part of me is super excited. Part of me is going "...congrats on catching up to the past 30 years of fandom, guys."

I actually have the opposite experience most of the time. If I have a wad of cash in my wallet, it seems easy to just take out bills and pay for things without keeping track until everything is gone. When I have my card, I have a clear statement of how much I'm spending at each place, and how often.