Elle W

When my two sons were born I was shocked at the amount of homophobia, and patriarchy people tried to force on them, like they were spraying crops. But it was nothing, NOTHING to the bullshit people have tried to lay on my daughter. Literally running up to us in the grocery store to congratulate us on having boys to

My then 15 year old had his new girlfriend over to the house. I’d only met her a couple of times. I was cooking in the kitchen and they were at the table playing a boardgame. He would things like “want me to make some Crystal Lite?” and she’d be like “whatever you want.” He’d ask what flavour, “whatever you want. I

Now playing

That would have been artistc genuis with young and beautiful in the background.

It looks like one big tampon commercial.

I’ve never understood why, as a society, we’re totally cool with little boys being dismissive or down-right hateful at girls. As if this is somehow inherent (and not something kids are soaking up like a sponge from the culture and adults surrounding them) and therefore natural and OKAY. The thinking being that we’ll

True story:

“Ah tell yuh hwhat.”

I never get tired of showing this print ad from the 1970’s.

But what if it’s a log and it’s fun for a girl AND a boy?

When I worked at a kid’s bookstore I once had a customer ask if a book came “in a girl version,” because she didn’t want to give a girl the “boy version.” I must have looked at her like she had three heads, as I tried to explain that books aren’t sold in that fashion. She kept insisting that she could not buy a girl

I wont have my son catching the gay from a pink cardboard box i tell you what

It will not be the clothing, which is good because you need to know which is which.

Cannot process nuance!

put the fame whores to bed- please..........some things need to be private, just no giving them attention feeds the wierd psychology

“I’m a toe guy,” he said. “Your toes are fine.”

These asshats are like every street harasser ever-

That whole “Jeez, just take the compliment” line is the exact same defense made by jerks who catcall and harass women on the street. Not OK in either context.

“You’re way hot! Why’d you cut your hair? Now you’re not as fuckable to me! Omg sheesh take it as a compliment.”

shout out to local radio for continuing to be the worst thing imaginable