Elle W

Strange that you don’t find it degrading for men who have also commodified their sexuality. Actually not strange at all, really cliche tbh

Let’s be real, your daughter can gargle 5 cocks without working in porn. People are generally not that comfortable thinking about the sexuality of close relatives and so no don’t want to risk seeing their kids getting banged under any circumstances. But whether or not you’d want loved one to do something isn’t much

I mean no lol

Well that claim wasn’t actually made.

I feel like a lot of people are ignoring the power dynamic of a rich white youtube star paying poor people to hold up a racist sign they don’t even understand.

Yeah I considered this as well and then went with ‘fuck this guy.’

God if this won’t be the year for the under-qualified and over-privileged white male.

But does your apartment smell of rich mahogany?

Holy hell, this just isn’t true. Adrian Chen used to cover this shit all the time for gawker and he has some long form pieces that cover it. There are even wiki articles about. What’s new is the skepticism surrounding what has been well established. It’s become a political issue and so now people think they need to

this is so uncomfortable but I can’t look away???

But...these are the same people who vocally oppose Obama fulfilling his constitutional duty and appointing a new justice. They’ve shown that their visceral reactions overrule their supposed political ideals. They frequently vote based on the ultimate result, not the method. You’re giving them way too much credit here.

That's pretty standard manic behavior. But since he's fathered two children it would be in the interest everyone to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible.

I’m actually surprised so many people think this isn’t a thing. I had cleared my Facebook of most racist asshats from high school but still managed to get some nonsense on my dashboard about how Beyonce hates white people.

I’m laughing crying that this is even a question, like there are people who find it hard to believe underneath a story about a woman being murdered for turning down advances???

Uh is getting caught for murder less awful than getting caught molesting a girl? I'm trying to understand the rationale here. I guess he was confident he'd get away with it

I feel like it’s a pretty open ‘secret’ that Kanye hooks up with guys. He does it fairly regularly when he’s in Paris for fashion week. He keeps it light cause he’s married and genuinely loves his wife, but I think this wasn’t Amber’s way of reminding him she knows his dirty secrets, finger in the butt being the most

Honestly, this reply is the only one where I’ve really gotten an idea of how you feel because you were basically like ‘he fucking sucks and if he didn’t fucking suck, he would be good in everything.’ I’m guilty of presenting my opinion in really simplistic ways too sometimes, so I do get it.

I’m struggling with the logic that to be ‘good’ at something, someone has to be good every time they do it. Are you aware of ‘Regression towards the mean’? What you’re describing is literally impossible. But now I feel like you might be really young or just not have seen many movies in general, so I’ll quit picking at

This is such a tone deaf post, christ

He could be terrible in half a dozen movies and still be a great actor, his filmography is that long and varied. Scorsese uses him so much for a reason. Leo really shines when working with competent directors. He was great in Catch Me If You Can but Spielberg is genius/god etc. He’s also really good in The Wolf of