Elle W

He reminds me of any of the various nightlife photographers working in NYC or LA a few years ago. They were all pervs. Especially Bronques from LNP.

Ah okay, I get you. I work for a family that's sort of similar in that the mom doesn't buy overly gendered toys. But so much socialization goes on away from home that her 5 year old girl is obsessed with all things girly. She's even asked to grow her hair out because all of her friends at school say short hair is for


But isn't non-gender sort of an identity? People identify themselves as non-binary.

There are a lot of complex ideas that you can't teach to very small kids, so you give them the simple version and later, when they're older, you expand on it. I'd honestly start with genitals. If they come home and say a girl in their class has a penis, you can explain that most girls don't, but some do, and it's

I actually used to think this too and got taken down a notch by people who are more familiar with various asian cultures than I am. Now when I put it in context it is pretty laughable how every time an ethnic person changes their appearance the assumption is that they want to be white. Nevermind lots of ethnicity have


Except a word doesn't have to be as cutting as 'nigger' to qualify as racist. 'Shit' isn't as vulgar as 'fuck' but they'd both earned me a back hand in third grade.

Okay but your lil equation says crackers are slave owners and salve owners are white so crackers are white. But not all slave owners are white so aren't some crackers black? Like what? Like doesn't almost everyone who is white benefit from being white? Regardless of whether or not they are called a cracker by an

More evidence I'm secretly a dude. My nightmares are always about disasters. Usually the (imminent) zombie apocalypse, but once it was just planes falling from the sky and crashing into buildings. The other time the world literally fell away around me and I tried to outrun it. Relationships can be fixed or easily

Not all slave owners were white.

Jesus, there is some rich irony in the 'not all white people are crackers' argument.

Men benefit from 'masculine' outward appearances and the generic trappings of 'manhood.' It's the idea, not the word that has power and even the idea shifts from culture to culture. I can't step outside, tell everyone I'm a 'man' and suddenly be granted male privilege. It's not being called a man that grants the

I didn't mean to imply I know what heavy withdrawal feels like. I meant most people end up taking more to deal with light to moderate withdrawal before they're addicted in the way that would lead to heavy withdrawal. It's not 'I can't quit because withdrawal is too terrible' as often as it, 'I need to keep going

Honestly? Like for real for real? I tried heroin. I didn't do it for long (cause I honestly didn't like it that much) but enough to go through some withdrawal when I stopped. Early withdrawal of heroin isn't that fucking bad. Like seriously? Suck it up, it's barely worse than the flu and it is definitely not as bad

You don't see the obvious disconnect here? Men from various cultures don't share all of the same qualities but the qualities that would make someone more 'butch' can be found in most cultures. There are enough variations within the look that it's totally possible to be (for instance) afro-butch.

whoops I mean assloads of privilege. Asshole of privilege sounds like a phrase mistress would use in the dungeon

What's really obnoxious is the people who trot out the dead bodies of their friends and relatives whenever they want to shame another person for not being sad enough.

Yeah, I mean 'stupid' is a bit tactless, but considering the actual meaning of the word and the reality of what death is (inevitable, mostly) I'd kind of say dying is always stupid?

'white people benefit from the word cracker'