Elle W

Does it? Tourists get gang-raped when hanging out in high-volume, touristy areas in the middle of the day? Does it really? Gang rape in Times Square?

This is terrifying.

There are a lot of HBC's, so it wouldn't be just one. But the best bet would be to not pretend like it's personalized when it clearly isn't. Either go generic with 'Welcome back college students' (or whatever) or send someone out to take a goddamn photo.

lol no. and it's not just 'marketing.' It says 'welcome.' It's like putting a huge welcome ad up for french exchange students and using a photo of a japanese school girls like whaaa

She's not talking to me, she's talking at me. That's how she manages to reply with 3000 words to a two sentence post. She's 'taking time' to listen to herself regurgitate various self-righteous talking points. It has very little to do with me, my thread is just the soap box.

None of it is surprising. It wasn't my intention, but no I'm not surprised either. If you think I want pity, then you're not as intuitive as you think.

You are impossibly long-winded. I don't expect no one to bring up race. There's a difference between 'let's unpack this' and 'wow ur dumb n racist. And dumb.'

False. Literally every indian is an arab.

Indians are definitely arabs. Don't be ridiculous.


False. Some countries, for example, haven't outlawed spousal rape. A country where it is legal to rape you wife is shittier towards women than a country where it is illegal to rape your wife. See how that works?

Obviously. Especially for those who don't know any black people.

I wasn't talking about the fetish being common. I just mentioned that when you go looking at porn, the incest themed stuff is always either russian, indian or japanese.

I still don't think it was a big deal and I already knew it was offensive.

Goddamnit lol. Y'all are gonna stop messing with me. I have a sinus infection. Can't deal with this right now.

Oh shit, sorry. I totally misread that part. I've never met anyone who is afraid of brown people trying to grope them but not of white men. I'm sure they exist, but the discomfort with staring tends to happen no matter who is staring.

Hit em with the 'slight re-wording of the same uninspired insult.' That'll teach em.

Nah, I'm not upset. I fully understand the direction the thread took, the various objections and the reason for the vitriol. I'm mostly unfazed.

Dude I had to read that like 4 times to extract any meaning out of. I'm not a grammar nazi or anything, but some meaningful punctuation goes a long way.

People keep saying this, but OKcupid has an option for 'casual sex' under what you're looking for. If a woman hasn't stated she's looking for it, you're a total fuck face for asking anyway.