Elle W

Three people read it that way, yourself included. That would make you all exceptionally stupid, statistically.

This is where non-monogamy comes in handy. I don't have to forgo anything to settle down.

Cue various complains from asexuals

That's the halo effect, isn't it?

Eta: wait. Yeah, you got it.

Oh, no I know the first post was worded really flippantly and get why it pissed some people off. I can't edit it after five minutes, though, so my only option is to continue the discussion and flesh out my ideas while people continually respond to the first post to let me know I'm racist.

There was no mention of white people until that person's post. They didn't counter my statement by switching indians with white dudes. Read my post, I didn't say anything about indians not being able to spell, being racist and looking for casual sex. They countered by saying 'this is how white dudes are fucked up.' I

Oooooh buuuurn.

Yeah I mean some people have brought up interesting points and we've had a few discussions. I also think that if anyone reads the whole thread, it's pretty clear I'm not all 'hey, fuck indians, they all suck.' I'm talking about a very specific thing that a lot of people can relate to.

The other person brought up white people, so I assumed we were sharing our observations from interactions with different ethnic groups. 99.9% of the men who message me are not worth a reply, but all for different reasons.

I didn't interchange them, dumbass. Let me simplify the exchange for you:

Yes all men do it, but not all men do it for the same reasons or with the same frequency. There's nothing wrong with focus on the more egregious offenders, especially when discussing an answer one gave to explain the cultural practice.

....Thanks for the memo, captain obvious? Jesus fucking christ, lol. No one said Indians were arabs. Go facepalm somewhere else.

Oh jesus christ. I don't have a problem with 'arabs.' I'm talking about arab men who cat-call women because they think western women are less deserving of respect. It's a specific demographic and I'm getting super exhausted at having my (pretty fucking scary) experiences dismissed because I dare to point out who is

Yeah, once my husband rode the train with me to work and we got separated. He asked why I kept my eyes down and looked so sullen, suggested it made me look like an easy target. I pointed out that I was an easy target because I'm fucking 5'5 and 125 lbs and things like eye contact and being mouthy would just get me in

They aren't my comments. They were comments from a man explaining why he used to do it. You can take it up with him and explain he's totally wrong about why he used to treat western women like cum dumpsters?

I hate that too! I get so many white guys who answer 'yes' to 'would you strongly prefer to date someone within your own race?' And 'would you prefer your children be the same race as you?' Do they think I won't I notice? I also had a guy who answered 'never' to drugs (and said he'd never date anyone who does drugs)

As for my individual two cents, I don't think this (which I've experienced before) is necessarily an "Indian dude" thing. I think that it's what happens when someone who grows up in a culture with more traditional expectations of sexuality is shown an image of white women as easy and inherently sexual, and then gets

This is actually the first post with a point I managed to overlook: I'm unlikely to get legit messages from them because they're really far away. The aggressive tone, though, is still pretty notable compared to messages from other guys who appear to just want to chat (I get a lot of white guys from Texas). But you're

That is kind of hilarious. I don't know what older black women do online, but I'd be interested to see the breakdown in who they message and why.