Elle W

you're missing my point. There is no reason to call them 'white bonds' because bond is, default, white. If you found a pink banana at the store, you'd be more likely to call it 'a pink banana' because bananas are supposed to be yellow. Of course he can be depicted by a black actor, it would just change even more of

Er, no, he's a literary character with several books worth of comparisons and descriptions to back up him being Caucasian.

No way, I definitely agree that we can depict him as black. I'm all for race-swapping.

Idris is English tho

I mean, I thought this and I'm black. James Bond is white. It's not like saying 'lady doctor' with the underlying assumption that doctors are all male. James Bond is a white character. I think we're cheering without critical thought here. If he was playing Lara Croft, we'd say 'a male version of Lara Croft' and he

I was surprised to learn French people are much less picky about wine than americans. Everyone i know, unless they're very into wine, orders either red, white or rose (unless its an aperitif). They don't care about the distinctions.

See, I can get the Hiddles love. Cumberwhatshisface, not so much. But Tom's really charismatic and funny and his bone structure is above average. I'll allow it.

By 'powered down' he must mean 'a normal, skinny hot chick'

nigga r u 4 real/Moses is not a superhero (wait, and he was like 45? You're terrible at this game?) I'll maybe give you spartacus (even though he was 66 and has no super powers) but Bond....he wasn't even close to 70. He was 53. Unless there was a later movie that I'm not aware of?

I don't get how anyone is ever surprised when any male celebrity is gay. I mean have you ever been in a drama class or walked into a theatre school? They're teeming with gays. Like to the point where I'm surprised when an actor is straight. But for real, that aside, if Lee Pace doesn't set off your gaydar, it's broken.

but isn't it likely a landline? How would they be texting you?

This is interesting, maybe she's offering herself? THE INTERNET MUST GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS

did that really need a meme?

Beginning to feel like jezebel's readership is composed mostly of 30-something dr who fans who are obsessed with cats and overuse the word 'problematic.'

I mean even the third instance of 'tranny' isn't him using the slur. I'd be ineterested to see if he's talked about it at all and when the tweet was made. Anyway, I just think that anyone, when put under the kind of scrutiny these people are put under, would end up looking bad.

All right. I wasn't able to decipher all of them, so I found it a bit counter-productive.

I love/hate this tumblr because so much of the shit is just laughable. 'Sexually harassed the one direction boys' because he live tweeted at their news account? Like what? I know we all vary in what we consider problematic but whoever does this account just tries super super hard to make little things seem like Really

I can't get into this because I really do prefer my celebrities inaccessible and with god-like beauty. If I want to listen to regular people talk about dumb shit, I'll call my friends? I hope I never raised socially-stunted shut-ins/people of the future.

Yeah, same. It's not as if he needs both.

but there are so many different periods to choose from