Elle W

Well there's a pretty big age difference. Oddly enough, I love older men and Alan does nothing for me.

I actually agree with that. But early on, the discussions were just about the fact that it was a plantation. When we start talking about whether or not I'd want to give money to someone who holds views I object to, that's definitely enough to make me stay home.

Oh jesus christ, I know that. I was trying to convey the snese of exotification.

I think it's something that would give me pause, the way it always does. But I wouldn't be upset and I wouldn't feel like the plantation needed to be moved.

No, no. It's not like a serious thing. I'm just poking some fun because I rolled my eyes a little. Whatever you call it, it's definitely a good practice and I can't hate on healthy eating habits.

What's the purpose of the stars?

I actually did google it to see if it was more than just 'not eating too much.' It would have been a little less silly to say you practice confucianism and therefore only eat until you're 80% full. Your original post makes it sound like you do a really normal thing, but like to call it a special asian name.

I love that it needs some exotic sounding name instead of just saying 'I eat until I'm almost full.'

I don't get why people are such dicks about casting. Wait until a fucking trailer is released, christ.

Uhhhh what 70 year old dude has played a super hero?

james avery joke a little awkward now that he's dead.

I'm not talking about slavery. I mean the idea of doing a retreat on a former plantation. But I also went to high school below the mason dixon so a lot of my friends lived in houses that me and my mom always suspected of being former plantations. It's just not something that I find upsetting.

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can we just post random dance videos that we like now:

See, this is what gets me. Am I supposed to pretend to be upset for solidarity? It's a visceral reaction and either you have it or you don't. I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't.

I don't like the word, but I get the inclination because I also hate the word 'husband.' Feels all stuffy.

I was so resistant to selfie when people began using it. I was positive it wasn't going to happen—and then it did. Kind of puzzling because it really is an atrociously stupid word for an age-old concept.

Whoops, thought this was going to be about our current obsession with public shaming. Would have probably been more controversial, sure but there's no doubt it's become a kind of past time for those on the left. Entire tumblr blogs devoted to it, Jezebel does it at least once a week. I'm on the fence about whether or

I'm beginning to feel a little resistant to constant cries of 'faux-pology.' Like my immediate reaction to 'you're not sorry enough' is 'fuck you, you're lucky I'm sorry at all...." which is totally ungracious and inappropriate, but I don't know, aren't apologies privileges? Like no one is obligated to feel regret or

Okay, serious question. If I say 'Progress was substantially retarded due to disagreements over finding' that's still problematic? I tried looking through the R-word's website, but it all seems to be referring to use of 'retard' as a pejorative.

Oooh and legit question: any WOC (besides me) who would not be bothered by attending an event on a former plantation?