Elle W

I don't think she was calling all of her critics bitter. She was probably talking about the people who wrote long tirades about she's a 'racist bitch' but in more colorful language. The idea of 'tone-policing' has always struck me as bullshit. I mean obviously everyone has a right to be a total asshole, but no one is

I'm so over the whole 'this thing is owned by this company who is run by this person who hates________.' Welcome to capitalism. You'd be hard pressed to find a large corporation that doesn't have some link, directly or indirectly, to politics you disagree with.

I apologised where I was sorry. Otherwise I don't mind 'backlash' (negative replies?) as long as it continues the discussion.

What makes you think I disregarded the point? It wasn't something that needed to be debated or addressed, just a suggestion that there will eventually be biological markers. Astrophy and I weren't arguing. She was sharing her feelings on my posts and how I expressed myself. I don't think I disagree with anything she

Scroll up. I talked about how men with aspergers interact with women and suggested that their difficulties with social interaction made them more likely to have sexist beliefs. None of that is 'people with aspergers are more likely to hate women.' Just some ideas thrown out there and some citations to explain how I

It's more of the 'stating the obvious' and 'clarifying until my eyes bleed.' You've seem to have assumed that anything I didn't say, I don't know and anything I didn't do, I'm not in the habit of doing (check the sources!). You're giving a whole lot of unsolicited advice that I'm able to pick up on by reading the

I'd much rather you angrily berate me than use the overly gracious (and occasionally condescending) tone you've been using. I mean I'm sure you actually a nice/happy person, but it makes me want to punch babies. This must be what they mean by 'kill them with kindness.'

I said 'men with social anxiety are more prone to violence.' I didn't say anything about violence and aspergers

Last I checked, aspergers didn't yet have a standard set of biological markers (anyone's free to correct me on this), so no that isn't what I suggested.

It's a reminder to be discerning, not to disregard any study that offends some rando on the internet. But I'm amused you've been relegated to co-signing. You literally have that little to say.

Saying 'that's gay' is wrong when you mean 'that's stupid' but when you're actually talking about, say, sex between two men, it makes sense.

I'd say the high rates of atheism amongst people with aspergers isn't a negative trait

No, you're right. I threw out three types and didn't make it clear that I understand there is a difference. I know socially inept people don't all have social anxiety (in fact, some people with social anxiety actually end up being very well versed socially because their defense mechanism is to control all aspects of

I wasn't using it as a pejorative, I was using the actual meaning. But it's clearly outdated, so in the future, I'll probably just say 'socially stunted.'

See the issue here is that we haven't decided on a definition of 'nerd.' Most definitions I've seen of it include being socially impaired, so your 'perfectly sociable' friends would not be considered nerds. Interesting you'd bring up stereotypes when the concept of nerd, in and of itself, is a trope.

Oh for fuck's sake. Neurological disorders and mental illnesses all come with specific sets of character traits, some negative and some not. It's common sense that specific traits are more likely to cause people take certain actions or think a certain way. Would you call it mental illness shaming if I talked about

No you're right. Sometimes when I first make my point, I jut kind of fling it across the thread in a really careless manner. Apologies.

In the thread, I've already linked to a study that correlates specific types of sexism with certain personality traits in men. If you want a citation on social anxiety and domestic violence: http://jiv.sagepub.com/content/27/10/…

This, and thats very different from a critique or a review that you know comes from a moron. Those tiny, throw away comments can be the most maddening really. We don't know what kind of day he'd had or what was going on his life when he read it, but obviously it hurt his feelings a little. And no amount of money or

Fair enough. We'll agree to disagree.