Elle W

I wasn't using 'retarded' to say 'dumb' or 'weird.' I was using the standard, dictionary definition of delayed or stunted development.

Claiming that somebody is misogynistic because they are autistic is blatant ableism

Here's an example of men who have issues relating to women displaying various sexist beliefs:

Uhhhh, saying someone is 'more likely' to _______ isn't fair or unfair, it's an objective statement broseph. You're taking it personally when it isn't about you. And I could probably find some specific stats about sexism and socially awkward men, sure. Lemme google-fu

Congrats? Black women are more likely to have genital herpes and I'm a black woman who doesn't have herpes. Doesn't make the statistic bullshit or unfair.

Yes, of course assholes are everywhere. But by 'nerds' I'm speaking more about the specific geeky type that is introverted and socially inept. Men with social anxiety are actually more prone to violence against the women they're dating. And let's not forget the aspies, who tend towards bitterness over their failed

Dude you responded to me first. But let's step awa from the fat issue, since it's touchy for you.

would probably climb him like a tree tbh

Luckily I'm mature enough to know that not even drama queens deserve to be on the receiving end of misogyny , because the blogger is annoying as hell in how she went about responding. I feel like it light just be her 'fifteen minutes' so she's milking it. Who the hell retweets all insults directed at them? Like what's

because they're nerds and nerds are more likely to be socially retarded

Kanye hooks up with dudes in Paris. Pretty sure Kim is beard.

Let's not get too far off topic. My original point was that it is possible to call a name ghetto without implying all 'traditional african american names' are ghetto. Some are, some aren't. I don't even know what you want from me, honestly. I think you just wanted to yell at a white person and now that you realize I'm

I didn't say it doesn't work for the overwhelming majority. It does. I said it doesn't work for some people. But you're free to continue arguing with yourself.

There are traditionally african american names, sure. But not all black people are african american (shocking, I know) so no there is no such thing as a 'black name.'

You didn't disagree with me. You said 'the vast majority' instead if 'all.' I said 'some' which only means 'not none.'

Lol at you assuming I'm not black because I disagree with you that there is a such thing as a 'black name.' Don't you look silly.

For some people and under some circumstances, yes.

Congratulations on being black? Calling a name 'black' makes as much sense as accusing someone of talking 'white.'

Not sure if trolling or ignorant to basic facts of physiology.

Sorry, I should have put 'ghetto names' in quotes. I meant more from the perspective of the white people who keep telling the jokes than my opinion on the actual name. But even if I had called LaSonia ghetto, that would certainly not imply that all 'black-sounding names' (no idea what that means) are ghetto.