Elle W

Sometimes, we need to passive aggressively bother a stranger as punishment for a lifetime of micro-aggressions that the stranger is not even responsible for.

He wasn't trying to embarrass her, he was telling her not to be a jackass.

She's already admitted to being quite large, so it's common sense that if she was reaching over him to get to the overheard, some part of her was pretty close to some part of him. When your arm or stomach or hip or large bag is hovering precariously near someone's face, you excuse yourself. It's a common courtesy and

I take the metro and the bus daily as well, as I live in a large city. My point isn't that it should be avoided at all costs, that's impractical. But I always expect an 'excuse me' or the like if someone bumps me, needs to get by, etc.

It doesn't have to be intentional. Are you less bothered by a sleeping person leaning on you than a person who is awake? I don't like to be touched by people I don't know and I really don't care whether or not they are aware of it. It's not less gross because it's an accident.

Honestly I think people treat anyone like that if they take up a lot of room, whether it be because of body weight or a huge book bag, or a lack of self-awareness when orienting yourself. Bulky things are inconveniencing.

Yeah the opening didn't really make me sympathetic. Especially when he tried to drop it and she got all confrontational like WAT DID U SAY? None of her replies make sense to me. Sounds like she was just in a piss poor mood and I kinda feel bad for the guy who had to deal with her obnoxious attitude.

It depends on how close you are too them. It's possible for a large person to 'spill' into a seat if they're squeezed in a tiny aisle.

oh my gosh stop, that's not even a little funny. Cornballs.

I think when the 'punchline" is something like 'Siffalyss' that' the implication yeah. Here it's slightly more ambiguous because Lasonia is a name and I can't say whether Martin actually knows some women with the name. Of course the albiguity is what makes it problematic, imo. I can't speak to his intent but I can

You must be the kind of person who laughs at puns. "It was an emotional wedding, even the cake was in tiers!'

Who said it's okay to make fun of ghetto names? *looks around*

ur real dumb

That was sarcasm, babe. I didn't say anyone gets a pass. I commented on the content of the joke, not its appropriateness.

It's an intuitive thing. Try getting outside, making friends. You'll figure it out.

Sorry where did I defend the joke, clown? I corrected someone.

Yeah definitely. I mean that's obviously what I said.

Yeah, I get that. Even a lot of black people think that way.

Wow another person who doesn't understand why it's okay for people within a group to take the piss out of each other and not for people outside of it to do the same. Look, have you ever heard an overweight person call themselves a fatass or some other variation of self-deprecating insult? Would you ever assume that it

I've actually read the same regarding the theories on non-traditional black names. That's something not a lot of people consider when making fun of the practice. We aren't european and neither are our ancestors, why should we have european names? Not that we can't, but the expectation that we use european names is