
It also might as well be called the Best Publicist Alive award. He has a movie coming out. He’s also incredibly sexy, but still...

The other response would be every last student in that school system to either check that book out, or be on a waiting list to check it out.

Every year, my highschool English teacher (NJ, late 80's) passed out a flyer with a current list of the Most-Banned Books. And then pointed out which of them we’d be reading that year. She was great. :)

Wouldn’t it be entertaining is some English teacher made that the mandatory book assignment for their class.

Christmas starts after Thanksgiving. Not before. Not the day of. The day after, and not even Mariah can change that.

who watched up close while the federal government’s Trump administration’s unwillingness to shut down the country early in the pandemic killed their neighbors and loved ones might have been hesitant to take a vaccine that the same government Biden administration insists is safe

What about veganism? Ethical veganism is a thing and I know a few vegans who won’t get jabbed due to animal testing.

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905) established the precedent for vaccine requirements, and it was reaffirmed in Zucht v. King, 260 U.S. 174 (1922), upholding the San Antonio, TX school district’s prohibition on school attendance by unvaccinated children. With two SCOTUS decisions supporting Indiana

I didn’t actually know that racist fanfic was a thing...

Christian fiction” - Well, theres a redundant phrase.

Joey would allow himself to be persuaded by conspiracy theories INTO getting vaccinated, somehow.

Zero excuses for inappropriate touching. However, does anyone remember those HR-style videos telling you that touching people on the arm or shoulder was a GREAT way to establish a connection with them? I vaguely remember it from the 90s or early aughts. I forget if the video was from work, school, or what. I always

While I don’t presume to speak for Cuomo, I, too, am a woman seeking to control her body. My ass just won’t quit.

Would that make Fredericks of Hollywood the sad hot dog that has been tumbling all day on a 7-11 rotating grill then?

Good lord this post is terrible

“In conclusion, Nazi Germany was a land of contrasts.”

The point of the lawsuit isn’t really to draft women; it’s to get rid of mandatory Selective Service registration altogether on the grounds that it’s discriminatory.

I believe some Republican tried to make a similar argument to “own the libs” and Tammy Duckworth and a couple of the other women vets were all for women being required to register for the draft.

It’s an airline based in the US and it was in the US, so they’ll get to appear in a Federal court.

Yeah, I saw that the perpetrator was going with the “self-defense” argument. Problem is, now that the video is out, it doesn’t really back up her claims.