
I’m not judging this too harshly. The before pictures I’ve seen were all taken in April/May, at the peak of the season for tulips and flowering crabapples. It would never look that colorful in August anyway, and there may still be thousands of tulip bulbs underground. (Of course removing the trees is really stupid.)

Didn’t most of their money come from bootlegging? And a little more from original Joseph Kennedy producing a couple of successful movies for his mistress, Gloria Swanson?

I was about to say the same thing. It definitely is a job-related injury, and if workman’s comp isn’t covering all the medical expenses, that amusement park had better step up to cover the rest.

Is Rump going to send the same crack team of investigators to Oakland that he sent to Hawaii? “You wouldn’t believe what they found.”

The Los Angeles Police Protective League will not defend Mr. Rojas during his criminal proceedings

Of course this fuckup also hurts landlords. If you have to evict 20-30% of your tenants for non-payment of rent, that’s income you’re not getting either. And there won’t be people pounding on your doors to rent these vacant units for quite a while.

The first five songs of Talk Show (side one if you’re old school) were brilliant, bittersweet power pop: Head Over Heels, Turn to You, You Thought, Beneath the Blue Sky, Forget That Day.

Ten #BlackVoicesforTrump sitting in a line

Ten #BlackVoicesforTrump sitting in a line

Considering the way Hair Furor’s poll numbers are heading, he is likely to do better today than three months from now.

That’s hilarious that she wants to be the anything senator. Her election ship has sailed, hit a rock and sunk, with all hands on board.

The “Dr. Faucet” cartoon is on a par with the Onion’s deliberately-awful cartoonist, but even dumber. 

I think they should keep the name redskins, but change the mascot to a potato. Delicious!

Regardless of the politics, #Goyaway is just about one of the most perfect hash tags ever.

So what kind of case would it take for the Supreme Court to finally recognize that the concept of a corporation (of any type) having actual moral or religious beliefs is a bullshit fantasy?

The more I think about it the more convinced I am that she went to the border as some kind of racist tourist, looking forward to seeing the misery her fiance created, and concocted this thin veneer of a reason.

Get back to me when a man is fired for the same thing.

But marrying your rapist is the ultimate fantasy! Just ask Luke and Laura.

DHS sent me to the border to see the separations for myself — to try to make me more compassionate

Unlike any other psychologist, she can offer a real diagnosis, based on years of personal interaction and observation. Hers is definitely not an armchair diagnosis, which is what the APA is trying to steer clear of.