No offense to this traditional British culture, but this is the sophistication level of the Grifter clan. “Blimey! Meetin’ ‘er Majesty!”
No offense to this traditional British culture, but this is the sophistication level of the Grifter clan. “Blimey! Meetin’ ‘er Majesty!”
Just imagine this was on the coast of Mississippi and a black person snuck into the pool. They would have to come up with a fast drain and refill method.
We would also have to give up at least a half-dozen first-round draft picks for Mexico to take the deal.
Even better if you just toast a slice of cinnamon raisin bread. (I would much rather put almond butter on it, though.)
help everyone figure out why they’re still single
would have to smoke about $2,500 of marijuana a year
Unfortunately, there is no hard and fast rule about naming ships only after dead people (there should be).
The King of Spain is 6' 6" so by dead reckoning, I’d say Trumpelthinskin is 6' 0" at the absolute most. Probably less, minus hair pouf and shoes.
Is this the Obamas’ back yard?
She said six hours, not six minutes.
I know, European films have a different pace, much more languorous than your typical American short-attention-span offerings.
What, someone you would never date in a million years tells you about his dino-sized balls and you don’t immediately drop your panties??
That’s it? I’m not at all surprised to find the Gasbag in Chief is racist and anti-semitic, but there must be more than that behind closed doors. Nixon did it better.
I’m pretty sure there are WAY more people here at home who want him dead than in any foreign combat zone.
It’s different when rich daddies can buy your degree.
So, just to be clear, did the court order Mazars to turn over the requested information, but stayed the order for seven days pending an appeal?
Was Meghan running really late this morning? It almost looks like they dragged her onstage in her housecoat and curlers.
“when I built the hotel down the road on Pennsylvania Avenue. I use a very strong E-Verify system.”
Apparently, the Golden Gate Bridge is always being painted — when they finish one end they go back to the other end and start again. Can you imagine the maintenance required for a painted wall of any significant length, out in the desert?