
Her husband on radio, My Favorite Husband, was played by Richard Denning. Because of that show’s success, she did have to fight like hell to cast Desi in the TV show.

It would be easier if he had more fiber in his diet.

Yes, it’s a no-brainer to build a wall that cuts across the bends of the Rio Grande, essentially ceding territory, and the entire river to Mexico. Genius! 

The prosecutors have just put down their marker. Three years for Cohen’s role in the illegal scheme, after some cooperation with prosecutors.

I’m strongly in favor of anything that scares the little shits into behaving. Unfortunately they grow up too fast and stop being afraid.

His perfect “Chief of Friend” would be a nurse with extensive experience working with dementia patients. That would be a comfort to all of us, too.

Can he reach that high?

Well, he’s rich now, so he’s become what he used to despise, I guess.

He has selective hearing, like dogs.

I believe it’s now legally required to refer to her as “National Treasure Julia Louis-Dreyfus.”

Chocolate chip? I would be disowned by my family if I showed up at a Christmas event with something as pedestrian as chocolate chip cookies. Gotta step it up!

restaurant and hotel staffing needs are inherently unpredictable

We know nothing substantive can happen in the next two years, with this Resident and the new Senate, so it’s all about taking this time to work on the best approach.

dusting his golf trophies

I can’t remember normal anymore, so is it normal for a president to say he’s “going to” nominate someone instead of just announcing the nomination?

I don’t think anyone is going to pick a California running mate. Ticket balancing to try to carry specific states isn’t what it used to be, but why would you waste the slot on someone from a state that’s as close to guaranteed as possible?

As a [barf] Supreme Court justice, he shouldn’t have time to coach a basketball team anyway. The basketball season falls in the middle of a court term and I’d like to think our justices can’t just skip off to go to a practice session.

Forget the “magic” bullets; just use real ones.

I like this graphic. Dow losers Caterpillar, Boeing, etc. and then the arrow points to this guy.