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Kanye West (before his latest change of mind medication)
Yes! What does it say?
Where’s the giant check?
Is it really a Trumpkin if it isn’t vomiting up lies?
He was having a bad hair day.
I like to think that Lincoln doesn’t have his back to General Lee
I’m sure there’s some family legend about the old-timey Huckabees living with dinosaurs -- and how two of the old-timey Huckabee brothers enjoyed killing them.
It’s going to be Wigtacular!
Hmm, I need to know more about the Great Schism that brought about two competing Welly Throwing associations. A fight over the infallibility of the Welly pontiff? A reform movement rebelling against the Welly orthodoxy? Were families split asunder?
You can’t enforce a non-compete if you fire someone, only if they leave voluntarily, and even then it’s often questionable.
She’s never heard of keeping your car in a garage, apparently.
Well, that’s a bit anticlimactic. They caught the MAGAbomber already and he really is everything we all predicted he would be.
The Library of Congress has a truly gigantic collection. This service is just limited by the time and expense to make digital versions. But it will grow.
A right-wing, pro-Trump extremist —
“Lutheran binder” So true. Growing up in midwestern Lutheranism, I’m sure I’ve ingested thousands of cans of Campbell’s cream of ____ soup mixed with every possible meat or noodle. However this dish, with green beans and onions, has never, and will never pass my lips.
No, they can’t remove his name. That would violate long-standing agreements between the Producers’ Alliance the the Director’s Guild.
Paramount will do whatever they think will make them more money. If they think his name is too toxic, they leave it off. If they think promoting it as a [garbage human] film will bring in more, they leave it on. It’s really that simple.
Obviously a “lone wolf” is responsible.