You’re applying American rules to a name of German origin, which follows the opposite rules. And on top of that the article is misspelling her name in the first sentence.
You’re applying American rules to a name of German origin, which follows the opposite rules. And on top of that the article is misspelling her name in the first sentence.
The only way to watch the Emmys, or any other awards show, is to watch something else for the first two hours, then start on the recorded show, skipping all the stuff you don’t care about (which is most of it.) You’ll catch up to the live show just as it’s ending.
How many more women are out there with similar stories? There’s never just one. Men who will do this once without consequences will always do it again.
From context I have determined that HyunA is female. Rapper E’Dawn is..? One of the androgynous young blondes in the photo? Who is the third wheel in the picture? You couldn’t find or crop an image with only the two people in question?
There’s nothing 70’s about that look. No man in the 70’s would have been seen in public with a wispy little whatsit on his upper lip like that.
This guy! Two years ago I bet him that he wouldn’t have the nerve to set up a clandestine meeting with Russian operatives who said they had dirt on Hillary Clinton. He’s so gullible!
No, this is how the brain-eating amoebas get into the water supply.
Even gators have standards. They didn’t live this long on earth by eating any random gross thing that fell into the swamp.
Outside of the heteronormative, how about “Bram” in Love, Simon?
Well, you can’t talk about it and not show it.
Of course there was no 25th yet, but that sounds awfully similar to Woodrow Wilson’s second term, after he had a severe stroke.
They could have explained this proposed award category just a little bit. Instead it was, “We’re adding a new category. Something about popular movies. Don’t quite know what it means or how a movie would qualify. So...”
Which is why, although I don’t think Pence wrote it himself, I see his fingerprints on it.
I’m beginning to formulate a theory that it was written and released specifically to accelerate his slide into full-on dementia. The author and company couldn’t proceed with a 25th amendment solution because there were still too many people in Congress who could plausibly deny that there was a problem. The further…
Haven’t you heard, she’s not a senior staffer she’s the “First Daughter” (when it suits her.)
If Pence thought it would work, he wouldn’t hesitate for a nano-second to invoke the 25th amendment. No, it’s someone else.
Yes, whoever it was that figured out the “Anonymous” author of Primary Colors, get on this, pronto.
Take a look at this. An entire movie set from the 20’s left to be buried in the desert.
Of course he says that; he’s required to say that he supports legal precedent. That means he may not fully throw out Roe v Wade, but he’ll have no trouble accepting everything that chips away at the rights contained in that decision. “See, I didn’t overturn it,” while gutting all the substance from it.