Dorothy finally surrendered to the proper authorities.
Dorothy finally surrendered to the proper authorities.
“Respect” was a hit song 51 years ago. This is the definition of behind the times on pop culture.
It was above average for a comic-book-based movie. But that whole category is below average.
Two little Hitlers will fight it out, until
It’s the song of the summer!
He’s where he should be all the time,
Based on her appearance, I assumed she was doing a tribute to Boy George that just went completely awry.
Genie Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role
He called to find out what was on the menu in the White House cafeteria that day.
I can easily wrap my mind around the idea of a racist in the White House. It’s just business as usual these days. But there’s actually a speechwriter? I can’t quite figure that one out.
Dustin Hoffman’s character was well above the age of consent — the “graduate” (from college) — so no parallel at all.
It was probably in someone’s contract (Spacey’s or the director’s) that this would get a theatrical release, not go direct to DVD or streaming. And it probably mandated a minimum number of screens for opening weekend. They’re doing the least they can possibly do to meet the contract, and why waste any money on…
He’s facing 18 counts. I suspect there will be a mixed bag: guilty on several counts, not guilty on a couple, and one or two where they can’t come to a decision.
How is leaving at 5pm a “summer Friday?” That’s just the normal end of the day.
Rump doesn’t own this apartment; it’s owned by some other “billionaire,” so the money would line someone else’s gilded pockets.
Was there an actual invitation extended by France or is he just planning to crash their party, unwanted by anyone?
There needs to be a disabled veterans’ parade, heading the opposite way on the same street, that stops this bullshit in its tracks.
She’s actually been married four times. Don Johnson was both husband #1 and #3.
What do the other serial killers think of it?