
Good to hear! While Alex certainly surpassed me in terms of voice acting, I am quite proud of the world I created. :P

Hmm, looks familiar...

Metro Last Light seems like an obvious choice to me. While Infinite was a great game, Last Light certainly had a superior PC version.

Origin in and of itself isn't necessarily terrible. I've never had any problems with Origin nor its related DRM (besides SimCity, of course!). Now EA/DICE's Battlelog, on the other hand, is the single worst idea for any form of game launcher ever.

Funny troll is funny. This is the kind of trolling we want to see, people! Screw that anger inducing stuff, we want more laugh producing content like this. Don't disappoint me, Kotaku.


Too true. I'm actually excited for the inclusion of Haswell (hopefully) in the next generation Surface Pro, which would make it a more justifiable purchase if they lower the price by a bit. We'll see.

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do, after all, my 1st gen i7 is still holding up alright. I might wait this generation out as well.

Sure, but I hate buying out of date hardware. It's obviously not obsolete, but it kills me to buy something last-gen.

For people like me who have held onto 1st gen for a while, it might be time for an upgrade.

Seriously? The swordplay is much more fluid, shield bashing, the rehaul of the spell system (though there are plenty of spells that were cut that I would have loved to see return), less floatiness, etc. It all feels much better, the heft of a sword or the drawback of the bow is much more present than it was in

I'll also agree with you there, I've replayed Oblivion much more than Skyrim, but Skyrim's gameplay is definitely way better than Oblivion's. To each their own, I suppose!

I'll agree that the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion was better, but I felt like I was really affecting the world with the assassination of Titus Mede II, and the raid of the Falkreath sanctuary was very cool. Hiding in the coffin was a nice tense moment too.

Really? Besides Cicero, who is quite possibly the most annoying character in all of TES (even beating out the Adoring Fan), I found the Dark Brotherhood to be pretty dang good. The Thieves Guild (or, as it should be called, the sabotage and do anything but stealing guild) wasn't as good as it could have been, but the

Oh come on, it's YouTube. Logical, well thought out comments probably make up less than one percent of the total comments.

This was quite possibly the best thing I've ever watched.

I would argue that you got what you deserved - you posted a statement that was judging his ability to raise a child based on his appearance, and others called you out on your bullshit. If anything, your original comment is a prime example of what needs reforming.

Technically I guess you started it, but in all fairness, I was the first to call you out. Still an amusing argument nonetheless.

The fact that I started this hilarious argument makes me giggle.