Sure, feel free to hold the opinion that he looks a bit disheveled, but how that relates to his parenting is beyond me.
Sure, feel free to hold the opinion that he looks a bit disheveled, but how that relates to his parenting is beyond me.
Way to judge based on appearance alone.
LOVE this flash drive, the aluminum construction is solid, and USB 3 is a huge plus. My only problems with it are that the cap falls off easily (I took it off anyways, but for folks that want it capped, I can see this being an issue), and it's a real pain in the ass getting it attached to any sort of keychain or…
LOVE this flash drive, the aluminum construction is solid, and USB 3 is a huge plus. My only problems with it are…
You have earned your points back thanks to your epic rhyming. *slow clap*
I understand when someone misses a fine point in an article, but you literally could have just read the title and figured out that it was intended as a joke. -4 internet points for you, good sir. :P
HA! You must work for Microsoft's PR team, because obviously you did not understand the sarcasm in the tweet either.
Noticed this as soon as I saw the trailer. Come on, IW, you guys have to know how light works.
Well, look at it this way - between Oblivion and FO3, there were roughly 2 years. Maybe with the extra time between Skyrim and the next Fallout, it will allow the team to shape a larger world than they were able to for Fo3. I'd be perfectly fine with waiting for that.
Unfortunately, in the words of Pete Hines, Bethesda's marketing director, "BGS is nowhere near announcing [their new project]."
Indeed. That was the best thing about the CR-48 Google sent me a few years back. They replaced caps lock with a dedicated search button. God I hate caps lock.
This made my day.
A fan vent.
It can't possibly be as bad as the ridiculousness that is Super Monkey Ball, right?
Sure, but keep in mind that even though a shitty game is made by dozens of folks, all it takes is one crappy manager or publisher not using resources wisely to screw it up.
I know people say this every time, but keep in mind this will probably involve quite a few fine folks losing their job thanks to what is likely a case of poor management. There's no joy in that.
Ha, weird! I'm not sure though, but I hope it lasts long enough. All I know is that I need to finish up my playthrough already, I got distracted from it for a while after the big early-year rush of game releases.
Indeed, I felt a lot more motivation in Skyrim to explore dungeons than I did playing Oblivion, and strangely enough, that motivation has actually affected a recent playthrough of Oblivion as well. Maybe I've just came to enjoy dungeon diving more since Skyrim's release or something.
Indeed, backtracking is always the worst part of any game. It was really apparent in Oblivion, where you'd finally reach the end of a three-part cave system, only to realize that you had to spend just as much time finding your way back.
I thoroughly enjoyed that as well. The best part was that you often didn't even find those barred/hidden doors when going through it forward, making for a nice surprise when you realize you're back to where you started.
This is beyond awesome.