
I would LOVE Ruby and Sapphire remakes. Do it, Game Freak!

Indeed. In FO3, you're still controlled from the beginning, you just don't feel like it. For example, you can go east and walk into downtown DC, but you're going to get killed by mutants. When you come down the path leading from Vault 101, just about everybody is going to head to Megaton, as the landscape leads you

You got me there - the metro system was definitely flawed! Probably the most disconcerting part of the game. I have the same opinion on the games' respective places in the series, though I still enjoy FO3 more.

I'm certainly not going to argue that the Creation Engine is graphically advanced (the leftover bits from Gamebryo certainly still show through), but the level of detail in the world itself still trumps most other games.

So bland! I mean, how boring is that image, right? I have yet to see an open world series come close to matching the quality of the worlds in Bethesda's titles.

The problem with Fallout 3's story (for me, at least) is that it just seems so different than the original two games. Take the GECK, for instance, which in the original two was a kit that contained essentials to start a community after the war was over. Seeds, blueprints, things like that. Fallout 3 completely

I'm really big into immersive worlds in video games, so the landscape in New Vegas kind of killed it for me. I enjoyed the characters and story enough to play through it once, but unlike Fallout 3, I don't find myself coming back to it.

It's very easy to set up dialogue that is the same line in Bethesda's editors. Each actor is assigned a voice type, so if you have the same line and have multiple actors record it, you can simply create one line within the editor, set it as available for use for each of the voice types it was recorded for, which in

Adam has a point. Compare the worlds of Fallout 3 and New Vegas and you'll definitely see where priorities lie. Sure, New Vegas is set in a desert, but it's still one of the most bland open world settings I've ever played in, whereas Fallout 3's game world was much more detailed. On the other hand, New Vegas had an

More good? Please, if you have a moment, I'd like to introduce you to the word better.

After you get past the first "what in the hell?!" reaction and see the word Japan, it's pretty smooth sailing from there. I guess we kind of expect it at this point.

And with that, LucasReis wins round one.

Yeah, that's pretty much my thoughts on this. I mean the source link... just come on, Japan. Come on.


I'm excited for it, simply because the second one surprised me so much with how good it was. I'm picking it up.

Craaaaaaab people, craaaaab people, tastes like crab, talks like people.

See, the problem with posting the trashcan one is that so many people instantly yell "fake." I'll admit, I can see why people think it is, but I like this one a bit better simply because it looks like a hideous creature from another dimension.

Mudcrabs? Pfff. Nothing can top the pure, distilled terror that is THE COCONUT CRAB!

"Wooosh" went the joke. To explain, it's a reference to Oblivion's hilariously stupid Mudcrab topics that the NPC's would bring up when chatting with each other.

I ran into a couple of Mudcrabs not long ago. Annoying creatures.