A slang term most often used by middle school students, yes.
A slang term most often used by middle school students, yes.
Zelda Williams names... just a guy name who clean... what?!
The fact that you used the word "fags" makes your point invalid.
I guess it's understandable that you don't enjoy it, as everybody has different tastes, but why is it undeserving of the praise it has received? It introduced truly unique gameplay elements, straying outside standard video game conventions. That's rare nowadays, so I would say anything innovative and unique is welcome.
While I would not be surprised in the least if it were fake, we don't know how much time passed in between the cut at 1:02 and when they fished it out.
People often interpret the line as "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Armstrong had said, though, that the line actually read, "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
Ba dum tssshhh.
Oh God, that still remains one of my favorite Kotaku articles to date. And I've been here for 4 or 5 years.
Haha, good to hear!
Good idea, I'll try that out tomorrow.
She is pasta.
Hey, I won't lie and say that I speak for everybody by saying this, but I throw tomahawks several hundred yards and blow up RC cars on at least a weekly basis in real life. What else am I going to do for fun?
Agreed. For example, Dear Esther stands out as one of my favorite experiences this year (I call it an experience because it is more of a story than a game). I can't say I necessarily had fun while playing it, but I was sure as hell engaged. I always wanted to continue onwards, and I was never bored.
Borderlands 2. The first was great, but the sequel took the series to a whole new level. It made you actually care about the characters this time around, something that the original lacked.
I certainly hope not.
It's absolutely beautiful, I can't even imagine the amount of work that went into it.
Jesus. Whether it's on YouTube or on here, dubstep (or anything mistakenly called it) always seems to bring out the pretentious, "OMG THIS IS NOT DUBSTEP THIS SUCKS OLD DUBSTEP WAS NOTHING LIKE THIS!" people.
"Far Cry 3 is Skyrim with guns... and no draugr."
Comment of the day.