
They forgot one!

From Wikipedia:

Fuck this dude. He sounds like an annoying asshole.

counting down the days until my doofus brother in law sees this video on the Chive and posts it to facebook talking about how he cant wait to get one.....

Not to be pedantic, but part of the joke about being “the best botanist on Mars!” was that he was the *only* botanist on Mars... :)

Seems like this comes up at least once a year about this same “game”. the devs don’t expect anyone to buy or want to buy all this dlc. It’s a sim made for hardcore train lovers. Not really a game in the traditional sense. Most people into trains are into specific models of trains and would only buy those types so they

That was bold of you to point out. I kern something new every day!

“My dad wrote a letter and paid [the crew that built it] $3 to put it in the capsule,” one local Bay City resident told MLive. “I asked him what he put in it, but he said, ‘You’ll find out in 100 years.’ Instead, it was 50. I know he left a message for us five kids.”

Sometimes the user comments make a bad level enjoyable. There was one I ran into where it’s just endless running back and forth, back and forth, in one door and out another, for the entire 500 seconds.

That’s actually a myth. The Japanese version doesn’t feature anything that indicates Godzilla was any more triumphant than he was in the Western version. King Kong and Godzilla both fall into the ocean and only Kong emerges afterward. There’s no Godzilla roar afterward either, as some people have said.

Google shot the serif.

That means The Room is the greatest movie of all time.

I loved these as a kid, but I’m not going to disagree with your assessment of them

Its ok, my butt can only be destroyed by the Fires of Mount Doom where it was forged.

Your argument would make sense, if she was the only one dominating in her category. Sports has always been filled with people that dominated. Did you think that when Anderson Silva was dominating everyone that it was because none of the other guys in his division has HIS mindset? What about Emelianenko? or Mayweather?

What you’re doing is building straw men, which doesn’t detract from the original point. It just makes you look like someone incapable of debate.

Honest question...is this a generational thing? I don’t understand this style of “review” at all. I only hear someone being loud, shouting invectives, and screaming hyperbole without actually saying anything of substance. For ten minutes. But I guess he’s really popular for a reason.