
Jaw beats jawbreaker.


The missed opportunity for a Darth Vader mask paint job is strong with this one.

So many hard earned credits lost...

“Hi, it looks like you were trying to write my name, ‘Clippy.’ Can I help?

I especially love this CGI model because I think it’s the most recent one of Yoda to appear in the movies (done for the blu-ray release after AOTC and ROTS were already done). They really nail down the more jagged, fidgety movements that a physical puppet (or real life form) might have as opposed to the often very

I remember we used to have time in between the holidays. Now as soon as Batman Day is over, everyone is already wishing “May The Fourth Be With You.”

The serifs on that “N” though...

“We were somewhere around Anchorhead, on the edge of the desert, when the death sticks began to take hold.”

Ummmm with a detonator.....

11 Reasons Why You Should Not Visit Buzzfeed Out Of Principle: Number 6 Blew My Mind!

What I loved about this game was how many easter eggs there were as to the forthcoming Banjo-Tooie that made several of the elements of the sequel feel like it was fulfilling a promise you were give in the first game. Some of the specific ones that come to mind is Mumbo Jumbo accidentally turning you into a washing

Adorable?!?! This thing is a plunger away from yelling “Exterminate!”

Serious nerd question: Is there any commonly accepted line between a mecha and a "vehicle." I'm specifically thinking of an AT-AT where it's like a tank, but a giant animalistic one. AT-ST's also look kind of like BattleMechs from MechWarrior.

Huh. I'll have to watch it again, but I thought that the future humans were the ones that directed Cooper to NASA. If I remember correctly, he says something in the tesseract along the lines of "what I'm doing to Murphy they've been doing to me all along" and about how at that age Murphy could not possibly have

Huh. I'll have to watch it again, but I thought that the future humans were the ones that directed Cooper to NASA. If I remember correctly, he says something in the tesseract along the lines of "what I'm doing to Murphy they've been doing to me all along" and about how at that age Murphy could not possibly have

George Lucas was inspired to create Star Wars when he couldn't get the rights to make a Flash Gordon movie. Success of Star Wars in part fuels decision to create a Flash Gordon movie. Max von Sydow who was in Flash Gordon is now in a Star Wars movie set 35 years after the last one, the same amount of time that the

Did anyone else mistake the ice cream truck size reference as a Spaceballs 'Eagle 5' Winnebago easter egg?

I feel that. I just turned 26 and it's weird to think that when I saw The Phantom Menace (10 years old), it felt like this new thing that was being added to something that had always existed. Now compare that with today, where a 10 year old seeing The Force Awakens will have never lived in a world without six Star

I wouldn't be surprised if it was possible to develop a module that could slide into two slots at once, with an indentation where the endoskeleton separates the slots. That way where you lose real estate from the endo barriers, you can gain it back with module depth over the barrier and still have one contiguous piece