
Reminds me of this from the Star Wars Visionaries graphic novel

They make vaccums that do not require to be plugged in while being used, but can operate on a charge now.....

Also love the inclusion of C-21 Highsinger from Season 4 of Clone Wars

At least I get to walk away from a year of anticipation with a cool desktop wallpaper.......

It doesn't seem like the strongest argument to say corporate surveillance filming me all the time is an equal privacy concern as a wearable camera like Glass. If someone in charge of McDonald's security cameras starts posting downshirt shots of women or other pictures of a "creeper" nature, there would likely be

Not only is it not revoked, but you get a Gold Star of nerdom for the day!

I loved how they brought in an element from the EU that really doesn't show up in the movies, the extent to which the Jedi can be flawed. In addition to the emotional roller coaster the end was, one of the most shocking feelings I felt during the episode was feeling some contempt for these characters that for the

I've read your points and they are duly noted......but what I'm still unclear about is how you FEEL about this.

These things freak me beyond belief....there's something parasitic feeling about them.

A couple of years ago, one of my best buddies who's in charge of the Hillel at my school told me about some program at the Brandeis-Bardon campus which he knew about because it's an extension of American Jewish University. I had no interest until he told me that House of the Book was there which was used as the Power

Kenner brainwashed him....

I think the begging for mercy Maul did at the end was also to try and play on themes highlighted in the exchange he and Obi-Wan had earlier in the episode about whether one who follows the light or dark side is really stronger. It was really a theme that even seemed to echo back to Yoda's training in Empire. The

Sorry but I think I have to call bullshit on his account of this. It's not the best picture (it's what I could find), but it shows clearly that a full cast was used on the set for the landing platform. We don't see Stamps face but considering it's one of his 2 scenes it's a sure bet it's him. When he talks to the

"Star Wars needs to be reinvented. Whoever directs a new Episode is going to need to take some liberties with the source material. (And really, why would you ever want a new installment of anything that doesn't reinvent the concept to some extent? You can always pop in the DVDs if you want the unadulterated original.

Same. I get really excited when Star Wars pulls things like this. The entire Star Wars galaxy is alien by design, but after you follow Star Wars for awhile, there are certain norms that you get used to, even though they are totally foreign to real life. Another good instance was the holograms used by the Umbarans.

Now playing

Do yourself a favor and have the audio from this clip play in the background as you look at the fish picture.

My reaction to half of these: "Oh Deadpool...you lil' scamp!"

I come bearing gifts....FROM THE FUTURE!!!

I stand corrected.....Never saw that. Old school sci-fi trailers never seem very captivating.