Elie Mystal

Father of two. I will say that I still find it possible to get in those marathon play sessions (3-4 hours) once a week or so, even with two small kids, if I’m committed.

For me, the key is being “night time dad” on Friday or Saturday, backed up by “morning mom” on Saturday or Sunday. If I am all over the kids and then

While I was watching this my kid came in the room and I paused it and shooed him away like he caught me watching porn or something. I didn’t want him to see it.

Then I reflected on the fact that I was absolutely going to let him watch the SuperBowl and in fact make a big party out of it.

I have no way to reconcile

This game has really scratched an itch for me. The PS4 has been missing this type of fighting game, since Soul Calibur has simply refused to answer the bell. SF5, MKX, Injustice are all fun fighters, but 2D.

For Honor is more like the SC series. It’s 3D. The ring is its own enemy. The rock/paper/scissors of

Alex, interested in your journalistic opion here: I used to do those shows when they asked and, aside from getting really roughed up on Hanity once, generally left with my dignity (according to me, at least). The main reason — I thought that there was value speaking to “the other side” if I could change just one

Worlds COLLIDE. I’m Elie Mystal, legal editor for More Perfect, and *loyal* Kotaku reader.

The minute Pokemon Go makes it all the way to the Supreme Court for the first ever “augmented reality libaility” case, we will be ON it.

(Seriously, love your work and Jason and Patricia and Fahey and the whole team.)

I always say Zuma is my favorite, even though he’s not. The critical reason is that Zuma is the “brown” dog (chocolate lab) and I want my (African-American) kids to have positive associations with brown characters. Chase is also brown (German Shepard) but he’s a cop so... we have to watch Chase’s actions verrry

The worst thing about my job is that I have to make money (not just clicks) for my bosses. I’m forced to consider how to make content that is not just readable, and shareable, but profitable.

The best thing about my jobs is that I’m forced to make money for my bosses...

Jesus Walks

I will defend this kid, in the name of drunk people everywhere, because you should have better friends than this guy had.

I think destroying the “Board of Regents” precedent as a defense as their shield to antittrust scrutiny is a huge deal, and a *big* loss for the NCAA.

This is right, right?

I proceed from two core premises: Han or Luke *has to* die in VII, The Han/Luke survivor *has to* die in IX. Otherwise Harrison Ford or Mark Hamil dies in real life before Disney gears up for X, XI, XII, and it’s an unsatisfying off-screen end to those stories dropped on a bunch of senior

I don’t agree that the point of closing in on Theon was to minimize Sansa’s suffering in the service of developing Theon. I think the point was to keep some of the actual raping off-screen.

Now, they could have kept the whole rape off-screen (and I would have been happier with that choice). But, having established how

IS anybody else super excited to see Highly Questionable today? If you are Le Batard, don’t you see how this is going down and think “so that’s how I’ll go out.”

Also had this throughout college. One of my friends still has it. That friend can ask me for money any day :)

If Riley Cooper did this, the internet would be having a conniption.

I'm a Simmons fan, but I can see that he's lost it and this column you've highlighted — really the whole thing he's done with the trade value thing this year and the truly insufferable basketball hour stuff — it's really Willie Mays on the Mets (I know, fanboy compares Simmons to Willie Mays, minus 10 points).

But I

when I got this for Xmas on the PS4, I was skeptical. The lack of voice acting/terrible voice acting turned me off. Story felt undeveloped compared to base SWTOR. Other concerns.

I think you are wrong to be sad here. If you look at these new regs from a legal perspecitve, you'll see that the FAA really tried to help businesses use drones in the least burdensome way. I wrote about it on Redline.


To me , this is the core problem with the game and why I stopped playing. I can take the random drops, I can take doing the same maps over and over again. I can take not getting what I *want*.

What ultimately bores me is that I can only *want* like, 8 things, because the game only has 8 things available. 3 gun slots,

I'm also surrounded by good white people in my life, mostly. I've taken this opportunity to tell them directly when they piss me off or say something that I find inappropriate in the circumstances. Sometimes they agree, often enough they don't. But, at least we're having a conversation.

With *good* people, that's kind