There will be one debate. Hillary will crush him. Trump will tweet that he really won. After that, Trump’s “schedule will not permit” another, unfortunately.
There will be one debate. Hillary will crush him. Trump will tweet that he really won. After that, Trump’s “schedule will not permit” another, unfortunately.
Hey — for you and for everybody else reading this, if you want to be followed on the Slot, please email me a permalink to one of your comments and I’m happy to do it. It’s not an intended slight.
now with the backing of the GOP establishment, GOP resources, and GOP operatives
I’m so confused at why “teleprompter!!!!” is a thing with the right wing right now. Incidentally, the Washington Post summarized Trump’s positions on teleprompters over the past month, from April 27 through May 27:
I supported Bernie Sanders during the primary, but I am starting to turn towards Hillary. Trump makes George W. Bush look like a foreign policy expert. I liked Bernie’s ideas and I hope that Clinton adopts some, but I will stand with her as the next president of these United States. Whoa, that felt weird to write. But…
Its why I’m optimistic. There are two Hilary Clintons: the intelligent and capable woman and the sleazy duplicitous liar of right and left wing fantasy. She’s constantly underestimated until people actually see her in action.
When the debates come around and Trump actually has to share the stage with the genuine…
I keep waiting for the debate when he tells the moderator “your not being very nice” and the rest of the debate is just Hillary Clinton laughing and occasionally coming up for air to say “he thought people were going to be nice” before that sets her off again.
The narratives that have built up about Clinton being a terrible campaigner and Trump being a political genius are going to change now that we’re (almost)into the general election. She’s going to destroy him, and I’m going to love watching it.
What I find the most disturbing about TrumpsterFire is his sheer lack of intellectual curiosity. He literally takes pride in his ignorance and figures he can bluster his way through. People voting for him are essentially going to a surgeon who's training coasted of a few games of Operation.
Brilliant. Clinton is so much better than she’s given credit for. She’s intelligent, thoughtful, and experienced. She’s made mistakes, but so have we all. Plus, she’s learned from them, which unfortunately cannot be said for Trump.
Also today in unintentionally chilling things Paul Ryan has said!
This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.
That doesn’t explain him shitting on her (once only by implication) in three separate interviews, unprompted. It doesn’t explain why she is the one he lashed out at. It doesn’t explain why the comments were so gendered. It doesn’t explain the mystery that is Adam Levine. So, nah.
That, my friends, is how you eat crow with some dignity. Glad to see there are people willing to admit a mistake, apologize, and not walk it back at the end.
Plus, You didn’t do a good job motherfucker. You did a terrible job.
“Instead of being like, ‘Thank you very much, Mr. Trump,’ or ‘Trump did a good job,’ everyone’s saying, ‘Who got it? Who got it? Who got it?’ And you make me look very bad,” Trump complained, taking on reporters in the room. “I have never received such bad publicity for doing such a good job.”
If there is any silver lining here it’s that the media seems to have finally decided to put their pants back on, wash their hands and start doing their fucking job, which is holding this assholes feet to the flames on all his obvious bullshit lies he’s been spouting off.
It’s like when you’re 12 and your mom told you to clean your room before she got home from work. You obviously spend all day not doing it and then spring to frantic action shoving all your crap in your closet the second you hear your garage door open.… there were 8 Mary Poppins books, how is this a reboot exactly?