
Part of me imagines Keith Richards getting into situations that look like he’s about to kick the bucket, getting Bowie and the rest excited, only for him to avoid the mortal blow at the last second. Like musical Mr. Magoo.

Something for everyone; comedy tonight!

This is wonderful.

this is both irreverent and beautiful.

Wow a lot of these responses are insane. I don’t understand why people are going in on her and not Jay Z (unless he’s also getting major criticism that I’m not seeing). He’s the one who seems to have cheated on his wife for Christ’s sake!

Beyonce superfans frighten me. That’s a level of crazy no one should have to deal with.

I love the “a general rule these days” bit. Because automatically assuming that any woman who reports being raped or sexually harassed is a lying slut and an attention whore is a totally new strategy that no one has tried before!

Oh, right. All those sexual assault and harassment cases that are documented on video.

Well if his DAD is the one who decided that was a good idea, this kid was probably fucked up for years before he entered the spotlight. Today that Dad would be locked up for abuse. That is seriously gross, but he probably taught Kiedis that women were objects.

I hate the Red Hot Chili Peppers with the heat of a thousand habaneros.

This is what happens when you start tolerating people’s religious beliefs. We had this brand of religious nutcase on the ropes in the 1990s and early 00s, then we had to start going around respecting their ability to believe such bullshit (and attacking the militant atheists who came so close to putting them down for

It’s amazing that Republicans have not turned America into a third world country. They are so damaging at all levels of government. I read a few days ago that some people think they are independents politically. My god, how can any American with two neurons be an independent these days?

“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”

It’s counter to the GOP party platform to allow government to function. How could they campaign on the promise of fixing anything if they actually fixed anything?

FFS - how about you useless fucktards do some real work?

I’m shocked - SHOCKED - that the party of endless Benghazi hearings, infinite votes to repeal Obamacare, years of Monica Lewinsky, and naming EVERY FUCKING BUILDING after Ronald Reagan would somehow still be going after this bullshit canard like a pitbull with lockjaw.

I am so tired of republican obstructionists, deception, Anti-science rhetoric. To think that there are so many in our country that buy into this ignorant BULLSHIT... It is shit like this that makes me ashamed to be from the USA.

Because the GOP woke up this morning to the realization that it looks like Hillary Clinton will defeat Donald Trump in November's general election and they need something to energize their base after yesterday's drubbing.

Why do toddlers throw tantrums? They haven’t gotten their way yet, regardless of the wisdom or logic of their “way”.

YES! Mike Holmes is amazing. He gets so mad about sloppy, lazy work and holy shit is there a lot of it out there. I always appreciated how he thoroughly explains not only why something is wrong but how he’s fixing it. When my husband and I were house hunting I kept saying I wished Mike could do our home inspection