They have IGN, why would they need Kotaku? Which is bullshit. Kotaku is a tire fire but it’s OUR tire fire and they honestly do some great gaming reporting.
They have IGN, why would they need Kotaku? Which is bullshit. Kotaku is a tire fire but it’s OUR tire fire and they honestly do some great gaming reporting.
I’m wary of the whole goddamn thing.
I love this place. I’ve been here for years and I intend to be here no matter what happens. This whole thing just makes me ill. I feel legitimately nauseous.
The PA turnpike is a fucking nightmare in even the best of weather. I salute you for driving it in that downpour.
They’re coming back in October! At the Filmore. And while it won’t be free, you do get a free copy of their new album when you buy a ticket. The new single is really damn good. I saw them in concert before, they’re a great act.
Man, everyone freaked out about that storm yesterday and it ended up doing nothing much at all. About forty minutes of rain and that’s it. No lightening or hurricane force winds. Abundant sunshine for most of the day. Tons of shows were cancelled.
I thought this was the kind of thing school dress code policies were actually supposed to address. Besides, what school lets a kid wear a hat all day?
How could they tell?
Yup. I use Mizon’s snail repair so I’m hoping it’s real. I bought my current pot on Amazon from a legit looking seller with hundreds of positive reviews. Getting it from specialty sellers cost twice as much and having it shipped directly from Korea is insanity.
I buy Korean beauty products online and I’m constantly paranoid they’re counterfeit. So, uh, thanks for legitimizing those fears?
*piles up Johnny Depp movies*
I never liked the end of it. I always worried that the crash wasn’t enough to kill them both instantly and they laid helpless and dying agonizingly slowly in the dry Arizona sun for days.
I also am not fond of the Meg nickname. Only very close friends and family can call me that.
*shudders* That’s so wrong.
Seriously. I once got mail at work addressed to me as “Meg-Anne”. I mean. How?
A girl I knew in college was a Meg and I always assumed it was Megan. I asked her one day and it was really short for Megumi, which means “blessing” in Japanese. I was like, you lucky bitch.
There are dozens of us!
I’m a Meghan and I hate it. I take cold comfort in the fact that I’m not a Megyn or a Meaghan through.
She’s going to be a forgotten actress in a few years. She’ll be on 2019's Dancing with the Stars and everyone will kind of remember that she was in some Hunger Games knock off or something. She won’t win. Years later she’ll be in Lifetime and Hallmark movies. Her name will be used in the commercials to lend them some…