I’ve seen dead, bloated deer on the side of the road that have more charisma in one hoof than Jeb Bush does in his entire body.
I’ve seen dead, bloated deer on the side of the road that have more charisma in one hoof than Jeb Bush does in his entire body.
Shit, do I have to make an acceptance speech or something? I’m not prepared! OH WAIT *whips out paper* I’M TOTALLY PREPARED.
Aw, thanks.
Hilariously, work got crazy busy after I wrote that and I totally forgot about it!
You know what they say, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.
My father has a LOOOOT of interesting stories from working in Manhattan in the 90s.
I love that story so much. I was so goddamn proud of my Dad when I heard him tell it.
My father accidentally ran into Trump in the early 90s and said it was hard to not punch him in the face, he just exuded an air of douchery.
Popular buttons and stickers included ones that say, “If she can’t please her husband, she can’t please the country,”
That is the nicest comment. Genuine thank you for the boost of confidence. :D
I honestly more surprised that Tidal hasn’t already folded and all that investor money suddenly disappered into the ether. I just poured spoiled milk down my kitchen drain that was fresher than the idea of Tidal.
C’mon guys, cut her some slack. Do you know how much traveling you have to do to find enough dalmatians to make into a coat?
Would you SMOKE inside someplace? No? Then don’t fucking vape inside either. It isn’t the fucking 60s, it’s impolite as fuck and it makes you a giant dick if you do it. Take it outside. I truly couldn’t give less of a fuck about the “oh, it isn’t smoking!”, “there’s no second hand smoke, it’s fine!” excuses.
Trust me, friend, a ton of your vaping compatriots think it’s just fine and dandy to do inside because “it isn’t smoking”. I’m glad that it helps you stop smoking, that’s great, but treat it like smoking AND FUCKING DO IT OUTSIDE JESUS FUCKING CHRIST.
I’m very surprised they’re allowed to do that IN the office. That’s some bullshit right there.
You can have it. Just do it outside. It isn’t fucking hard.
IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER. It’s still impolite and unhealthy to do it inside, ESPECIALLY in an enclosed space.
Inside. Like an asshole.
For a lot of history, marrying for romantic love just wasn’t the norm. Women examining a potential spouse for intelligence and financial stability rather than swoony romantic emotions makes sense. Marriage was a business transaction which they had very little control over.
I will vote for whichever Democrat wins the primary. Currently, I think that will be Hillary. If it’s Sanders, I’ll still vote for him. I don’t live in a state like Iowa or New Hampshire where I have to make that choice.